Lesotho, relaxed family camping

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Race Dog
Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Bloemfontein, SA
Good friends met at the Senqu river and we were off to the Sehlabathebe area to go look for a relaxed private camping spot to do some relaxing and welcome 2008.  We loaded the kwat, and the crew assembled for the 120 km odd ride there.

The 18 person strong team assembled and we were off.  Landrover with camping trailer, Prado and another soup kitchen, Hilux and bike trailer, KTM 990, KTM 525 EXC, and the lads on KTM 85 SX, Suzuki DR 250, Honda CTX 200. Two of the lads have only been riding for about a month, and it was incredible how fast they picked up safe riding skills with some boring lecturing from the dads and some time in the saddle of course.

Fuel and refreshment stop about 50 km down the road.

Waiting for the cages to catch up where we went off the road to explore for the best camping spot.

Satisfied rider.....  :)

We rode around the area and found a good spot.  Some water had to be crossed on the way there....


Our camping spot was just the best, next to a river in a valley with the most awesome views and away from everyone and everything.


We found out where the local chief lives and took a ride to his house to introduce ourselves and ask permission to park here for a few days.  A friendly chat at his house resulted in access to fresh water from a nearby fountain, a man to look after our camp whenever we went out and access to dry fire wood.  The chief and his people made us feel very welcome.  Speaking Sesotho does have advantages from a communication perspective.  :)

Our camp became very comfortable very fast.  Those "soup kitchens" work well and it is good to have friends towing them around these "roads".   :D :D  Cooking and "kuiering" worked very well.  And the camp fire did it's job too.


Dish washing

And our river view and swimming pool right on the doorstep.

The river even contains some local cuisine....  ;)

Sunrise is still the best part of the day

Some exploring of the surrounding area which includes Matebeng pass and Sehlabathebe was done, here are some pics:

Riding team - regrouping stop

Matebeng pass


Summit at 2970m

And the little climb next to the road at the summit takes you over 3000m

On the way back we did some exploring around Sehlabathebe area, found some great riding and places.



Stopped at this spot for some relaxing and refreshments....





The beast in its natural habitat

We had time to see the flowers




And the baby donkeys


And the rocks - see the bubbles from when this was still boiling


There is some accommodation for those who need


On the way back we found two horribly lost noobs (asking directions from locals does not always work.....) who were crying and felt very sorry for themselves fighting those beasts up a rocky slope.  We invited them to stay over, fed them and the next morning they continued their long journey with some proper directions and not so "hartseer" any more.  If you recognize them, please do not tell anyone that we associate with this biker scum.  ;D >:D :eek:  What a coincidence! ("Tongue in Cheek" of course)



Locals collecting fire wood for winter already.


Some of kids asked about possibility of horse riding.  A quick word with our camp guard resluted in two horses being made available.  The girls had a great time.  :)



Did some solo hill climbing with the 525, without leaving any marks that will start erosion, you cannot ask for better riding territory!




Had a chat with these two about their school and parents and the great place they live in.  They are happy kids.....

All good things come to an end.  We had to pack and get back to Durbs.  We (Laaitie and me) took the short cut via Ramatseliso gate and down to Swartberg.  Great ride, no problem if they tar Sani.....  This ride is just as scenic and more technical than Sani.


We loaded the bikes just before Swartberg, some serious weather was approaching.  I was still contemplating riding home, but with this weather and a trailer close by, I was in the cage in a flash too!



Lesotho remains my favourite place.  No re-design required, we can just call it "Heaven" as-is.  Thank you to all who made this a memorable trip with the family.  And I saw some new possibilities for future bike rides - watch this space!

Carpe Diem, and Soli Deo Gloria!
Man ..what a way to kickstart 2008 ...great stuff!
Great report, looks like a leka holiday! :thumbsup:

One of those lads is Lito, not? don't know the other one.
WOW man Doing stuff with the laaitie GR8 I am so jealous  :)
That is just brilliant. What a wonderful holiday with the family and young ones

You chose such a beautiful setting - absolutely magnificent !!!
Wow! Great report!

Isn't it absolutely amazing when whole families do this together?
Great report , what a pleasure being able to have these experiences with the whole family. Super stuff :)
SGB said:
Lesotho remains my favourite place.  No re-design required, we can just call it "Heaven" as-is. 

Couldn't agree more. Lesotho opens my eyes more and more every time i visit.
Looks like an awesome trip and a very nice time and place to spend with friends and family. :thumleft:

bushclown said:
Was that lito ?

Yes, the man himself.  And I sould not have called them Noob and Biker Scum.  Apologies for the feathers I have ruffled.  I really did not mean to upset anyone and I did not think that some would would take exception to this.  Quite the opposite is actually true and I was hoping that the humour would come through in the text and smileys.  Sorry!
Nice ride and report SGB!
We should get together one weekend and do a little wobble around the Midlands?
slashback said:
We should get together one weekend and do a little wobble around the Midlands?
Agree, let me know when.  Looking forward!
Many thanks to SGB and his family and friends, for allowing us to kip the night in their stronghold, and for feeding us with all kinds of great food. There are definately times when a cage/4x4 etc is just so cool to have along - these guys were beyond organised!

Razors were clearly not in fashion here


and ps:

this picture is a good sign of what happens in Lesotho. It was my first time in deep Lesotho (ja, ek is n noob) and mate, forget mowing your lawn. Get a decent rainproof tent, excellent rain proof gear and a wet bag for your sleeping bag. After the big twins died in the mountains this same day (fuel pumps crapped out, never mind the horrific blend called petrol we got), we had this weather come in. The biggest electric and fork lightning storm I have ever camped out in - on top of a mountain. Bliksem. Next day, while still stuck, the hail came down, and rain and I couldnt believe it was the height of summer. Lesotho is imo, Gods gift to dual sport riders.

My fark! Lito jou lelike moer! :mrgreen:

Awesome SGB. Lucky to have this privilege of doing it with the family. :thumright:
SGB said:
bushclown said:
Was that lito ?

Yes, the man himself.  And I sould not have called them Noob and Biker Scum.  Apologies for the feathers I have ruffled.  I really did not mean to upset anyone and I did not think that some would would take exception to this.  Quite the opposite is actually true and I was hoping that the humour would come through in the text and smileys.  Sorry!

Interesting ?

Seems no-one has a sense of humour these days. I'll never forget the feathers I ruffled on my Lesotho report. Seems like this place brings out the best ;D and worst ;D of us ;D ;D ;D

SGB, anyone who knows the history of this forum, and the members past and present would NOT have taken offence - From my side - you did no wrong
Ja Plottie, seems we have to be careful about what say, and live with the reaction we get. 

Lets close our visors and ride - with the noise those open pipes make, nobody can hear what you shout under the helmet.....  8)