Lets go meet Jo...

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Mr Zog

Grey Hound
WD Supporter
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Palm Bay, Florida, USA.
Honda XL500S
Jo Rust will be returning to home soil on the 14th November. At this stage she should be entering SA at the Oshoek border post from Swaziland.

She says she should be there around lunch time, and will get accommodation somewhere after that. Maybe Amsterdam?

Plans could change slightly, she is leaving Nairobi today and will be in Arusha this evening. If anything changes I'll let you know.

I'll be heading down from Pretoria, and it would be great if several other dogs can join me. We will meet up with a few dogs from Mpumalanga, Draadwerk says he is in, and probably have a lunch with Jo.

I'll most probably head back to Pretoria the same afternoon, unless she is badly delayed, so maybe a small group ride back west together would be lekker?

Ok, I'll be having limited access to the forum for the next few days, but if you are in, add your name to the list below  :deal:

1. Mr Zog
2. Draadwerk
