Loadshedding Pooratech camping alcohol stove

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Grey Hound
May 18, 2008
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I got a lovely Tangria type alcohol stove for my birthday.
I was testing it and showing the wife when our domestic worker said
it was just what they need at home when Eskom cuts off power to the people.

I went on-line to find some Pooratech solutions to make up one for her.
I found a great solution and made up one in under ten minutes.
I should have taken pix, but I'll show the source instead:


I took a standard 180g tuna can and opened it.
(We had tuna mayo sarmies for lunch.)
Then I rescued the SMALL can of sweetcorn (I had some for breakfast on toast) from the recycling bin.
I made 8 holes in the bottom edge of the sweetcorn can just above the rolled joint.
I put the sweetcorn can inside the tuna can and pressed some Think Pink between them to look like this:


The pix show a can trimmed down, but I found that to be totally unnecessary.
The flames wick from the fibre-glass wool and heat up the can better with the longer neck.

I poured 25ml meths spirits into the can and lit it with a long neck braai lighter.
When the flame heats up the inside can, the flame bridges over to the outer can.
You can put the pot on top and boil water.
We boiled a cup of water in about 3-4 minutes using the 25ml meths
It was still burning very well when the water boiled.
I allowed it to burn off the rest.

The domestic worker took it home, very chuffed that she could now make tea or coffee in the mornings
They regularly have load-shedding from 06:00 - 08:30, just when they want to get ready to go to work.
She was so proud, I am sure other passengers in the bus or taxi are going to get a "show and tell"...