Lost a cylinder...cant find it again.

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Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Kwa Zulu Natal
Yamaha XT 660 Z
So....I dont own a pig, but I do own his prettier sister, a gorgeous R1100rs.
Now she is getting on in years but can still hike up her skirts and get going
along at a decent clip....well untill a couple of weeks ago, when she ran into an
issue and left me stranded on the side of the road ( ps she's damned heavy to push)
with what I first assumed was a failed plug lead, turns out I was wrong...not for the first time,
I swopped the leads around to check. Still not running on the left and the righthand
side seems the sam,e as well but the plugs are old and slightly sad looking so I figure its
worth changing them anyway...

Now I move onto my next suspect, cables, are these things routed right,nice and free etc etc.. yup all looks good.
Time for suspect number three ,spark plugs....swop them round and no change plus I find a nice fat spark on both sides.
Ok now I'm starting to worry, this is feeling expensive. Compression test time....and what do I find?
Both cylinders are identical...Mmmmm ok, so all that done I think It must be fuel....Im starting to get used to being
wrong now though so Im not getting my hopes up, off comes the fuel line to the left side and promptly covers my foot
in petrol, not such a hot idea this... so I put it back and decide to see if the injector is working and lo and behold.....
It is... but since I'm now sure I cant be trusted in judgement I decide to make sure it looks the same as the righthand side
and again all is well. Samey-samey...shit. Now what? Off to someone who does this for a living that's what.

So me and my recalcitrant BMW arrive at the mechanic , I tell him my sob story and plead poverty, he listens sympathetically but I can tell he thinks this moegoe doesnt know what he's talking about.... and he'd be more right than knows, but my old lady gets booked in
and i get assured he wont bankrupt me...
Now my story jumps forward two weeks, Im standing in front of the old girl next to said mechanic, who is looking noticably older than when I saw him last, he proceeds to explain that he has done everything I tried and then some... ( arcane rubbish about TPS thingamabobs and Hall sensors) but to cut a long story short he is now as confused as I am and checking out my bike with a side eye that puts me in mind of the fire dept....

So if anyone has a notion or even half a notion as to what the bleeping hell has happened to the old girl please let me know
Ive gotten rather attached to her and would hate to see her murdered by some frustrated mechanic...or myself in a fit of madness



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