Lowvelders to the Richtersveld

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We arrive at Koedoeskloof longing for a cold beer…
i didn’t plan as well as I should’ve for the cold weather…..

First sign of snow….

View attachment 916993

Maker of the finest, warmest (sort of), driest riding (nearly) gear... when you didn't bring any.

Only available mostly when you need them the most, in Dorpe.

You'll look like a farm labourer, after the ride they're probably wind fucked and therefore disposable.

But warmer and dry'ish, priceless.
Your RR's are so great, looking at many of your photos bring a sadness that we have to leave this beautiful planet someday.

We have a country so achingly beautiful, yet I feel I have seen so relatively little of it.

Great Job @Noneking !!
Dankie Danie!
We head towards VanWyksdorp. Gustav Jnr has a front brake line failure and th Smooks head to Oudshoorn for repairs. The rest of us head over Rooiberg Pass towards Calitzdorp

A little sidebar, are you happy with the X5 lid vs the X4?
The X5 is Nico’s
I have not tried one. What I can say is they look a lot better in person than they do on pics. That peak specifically
Janus has this neat trick where he can hypnotise a chicken….
The cock would have none of it 🐓

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