Macassar Ride Report via vid - 5 May 2012

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Grey Hound
Aug 14, 2008
Reaction score
Western Cape
KTM 690 Adventure
Check out my first attempt at a video before it gets pulled for me using an AC/DC soundtrack  >:D


Hope the imbedding works?

Twas an awesome day in da dunes  :thumleft:
Or check it out here...
Okay, imbedded should work now but it's just so damn small. Youtube is better  :thumleft:
dis n lekker ride en n nice video, Buff

hoop ek kan weer my toetrede tot twee-wiel dinge maak op n plastic, in sulke mooi "beheerde omstandighede"

arme Dusty Rusty moes seker die klank afsit by haar werk vir hierdie een...
Thx Lem  :thumleft:

Ek moet se, ek geniet die plastics ryery verskriklik. I prefer to be in charge of my own destiny so if I wipe out in the dirt it's mostly due to my own lack of skill rather than some idiot who's fast asleep wiping me out on a public road. What's nice about Macassar is that you can charge the highest dunes and generally the worst that will happen is that you run out of steam and fall over  :D And the bonus is you have experts there like GJ & 2SD that are more than willing to share a wealth of experience  :thumleft:
Hardly a weekend goes by without us tearing up dirt somewhere in the CT area, in summer we even try fit a midweek ride in as well.
I'm enjoying it so much that I'm even considering giving up the Super Ten in favour of a road legal WR450  :eek:

Shout when you're all healed up and come and join us, you're more than willing to try the KDX out for size  ;)
Jissie, dit lyk lekker. Ek was baie jare laas daar. Wanneer gaan julle weer? Ek sal baie graag wil join as ek mag. Was die afgelope twee weke besig hier in die Noord Kaap en Noord Wes gebied maar het die uitnodiging met jaloesie gesien en met ongeduld gewag vir die RR. Gaan julle die naweek van die 19de en 20ste dalk weer?
Soul Eater said:
Jissie, dit lyk lekker. Ek was baie jare laas daar. Wanneer gaan julle weer? Ek sal baie graag wil join as ek mag. Was die afgelope twee weke besig hier in die Noord Kaap en Noord Wes gebied maar het die uitnodiging met jaloesie gesien en met ongeduld gewag vir die RR. Gaan julle die naweek van die 19de en 20ste dalk weer?

Just keep an eye open on the Planning a Ride thread and come and join us one weekend, everyone is welcome  :thumleft: I unfortunately (or fortunately) have family visiting this weekend so I won't be riding and I think GJ and 2SD are planning a Adv ride for Sat.
Lekker Buff.

Het jy toe daai VideoPad program gebruik wat ek jou van gese het?
Ek sal vir jou die register key stuur later.

Ek is baie lus om weer daai duine aan te vat,maar hierdie gat in my been is nog bietjie seer. Die bike is darem fine na die val.

Ek sal probeer sou gou moontlik my video ook hier op sit.
Yip, downloaded VideoPad, it works lekka thx  :thumleft: It's a bit tricky cutting the video on a laptop though, a bigger screen would help a lot.

Please drop me the key at brett dot parish at vodamail dot co dot za  :thumleft:

Glad to hear that leg's mending, it'll be just right by the time we plan the next ride  ;D