Memel with my besties

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m0lt3n said:
lekker area that

NK how did that Heidi treat you on the wet road on the first day?

That Heidi was a nightmare all weekend..... :peepwall:

It locked up under braking on dirt, was scary on the wet tar and overall just not a lekker feel. I will use it a bit longer as to not waste it though.... :pot:
Jis man, dis nou 'n gawe trip van 'n area wat my nog altyd oor laat oplees het. Ek moet nog daar uitkom. Reports soos hierdie hou die vlammetjie aan die gang.

Dit is goed om te sien Jean kon 'n lekker trip ry met my ou 1200.  :thumleft:  As 'n mouterhandelaar darem 'n bike meer as 'n jaar al het moet hy hom darem seker geniet en goeie diens uit hom kry.

Ek sien ook nou die ou se mountain bike Stravas is korter en minder intens as so 'n jaar gelede  :peepwall:
Stunning wêreld met mooi fotos!! :thumleft: :drif: :drif:



We had a great night back at the hotel and sone good laughs with a few Memel locals

Sunday was @Carlito’s birthday. We had a long ride home and got going early.

First stop was for breakfast in Perdekop

