My Long Trip to Steytlerville

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Race Dog
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
East Rand
KTM 950 Adventure S
So it was that time of the year again, the invitation only get together of friends was taking place in a little town called Steytlerville. While sitting around downing cold drinks(January is alchool free month for me) and discussing the route and trip down with most of the JHB invitees, I had this idea that I had not had any time to myself on the bike for about 6 months, and with this in mind a trip plan sprung up, I would ride alone on some sort of finding myself trip starting in JHB - Orania, Orania - Sutherland, Sutherland - Steytlerville, Steytlerville - Wepener, Wepener - JHB.

So the first day arrives 08/01/30, I have everything packed and ready to leave, just need to feed the dogs and kit up and I'm on the road by 07:00, direction Heidelberg and onto Deneysville where I hit my first bit of dirt up to Heilbron, from here it was tar to Kroonstad, where I was under the impression that I would pick up dirt, but what disappointed and had to ride on tar all the way to Theunissen via Virginia.


After Theunissen I was sure that I was going to pick up the dirt again so stocked up on some supplies for a bush lunch, the riding was great and stopped at a place called Devon which consisted of a small holding under some trees for lunch, by now I had realized that I had covered nearly 400kms and had still not replenished my fuel supplies and my reserve light had been on for 50km. After lunch I headed for a town called Soutpan which had a Co-op which sold petrol, to my disappointment it was 13:10 and this Co-op closed for business between 13:00 and 14:00 for lunch.


Once full and having learned a valuable lesson that anything mechanical needs fuel from time to time I head off in the direction of Krugersdrif Dam and to Petrusburg where I again picked up the tar all the way to Luckhoff, here I stocked up with dinner supplies has I remembered that 3 years back there wasn't much in the line of a convenient store in the town of Orania, so with all my groceries I headed off on dirt and was totally surprised by what I saw has I rode into Orania, it seemed that there had been a population explosion, there was a fully stocked OK Bazaars, building supplies warehouse and I could see that there where a lot more houses and that they where being looked after(Grounds), something that was seriously lacking 3 years earlier.


I made my way to the Oranje river where they have a Woonwapark, where I found myself a camping spot, spent a quiet evening listening to a few locals discussing there little town and went to bed.


Next installment "The mighty Karoo"
Gr8 Report so far, keep it coming PLEASE!!!
This is going to be a nice report. ;D
lekker man , tell us more of the afrikaner kingdom , fascinating
Next day I was packed and ready to move on by 08:00.


Start off with a small tour around Orania, and noticed 5 houses being built and everyone in high spirits and all wave back, and then its was on tar for 40km before I hit the dirt too Strydenberg where I filled up and had some breakfast.


From here I picked up the dirt road too Prieska and then turned off and headed towards Vosburg. On this stretch I noticed that I had crossed into a different province, as the dirt road conditions deteriorated and besides all the wash aways there was the absence of road signs which made it very interesting when approaching a blind rise that was followed by a sharp turn. This stretch was also the longest distance that I covered without coming across any town or anybody, this was the Karoo at its best not a tree in sight and it was really not a good idea to stop and rest has the sun was sure to beat down on my head and tire me out more, I did get a small break when I crossed the N10, there in front of me was about 3 trees which provided a break from the bright light in the sky which by now was causing serious discomfort.



After a small break I carried on and through Vosburg I went, decided that seeing that I had already done the R384 road on a previous trip I would rather do a different route to Carnavon, and I wasn't disappointed, had to keep my wits about what I was doing and had a great ride to Carnavon where I filled up and spoiled myself to an ice cold Coke and a delicious double cheese burger with chips. From here I made my way to Fraserburg, this was another long stretch of dirt, and if I thought that the sun was hot in the morning then it must have been burning in the afternoon at some stages it was more comfortable to keep the visor completely closed so not to let any air in, once again not a sign of a tree, and what made it worst was that on the GPS there was signs of many rivers that needed to be crossed and to my disappointment they where all bone dry.

From Fraserburg the stretch to Sutherland was to be the most interesting and was going to need my full concentration, the destination was Sutherland and has usual I decided to take the dirt road that would keep me close to the Klein-Rietrivier, for starters the view was beautiful and the vegetation was changing and there where mountains that I had to get around or over, so were before I could see the road for kilometers on end and the only thing I had to worry about was wash aways I now still had the wash aways and lots of unmarked corners and river crossings. And this is where I had my big first wake up call, coming up to a kink on the road, I say kink cause I could see the road continuing on the other side of the reeds, and guess what there was a sharp right corner into a flowing river followed by a sharp left turn, yeap the river was the problem cause I wasn't ready for it and I made the corner but landed up in the river off the road, still managed to keep the bike up and was shortly back on my way.

The day was now getting very long and my butt wasn't enjoying the KTM seat anymore, 20km out of Sutherland I found my second bit of tar for the day and stopped to admire the large telescope, although I could not get into the facility it was still something to witness from far.


I reached Sutherland at around 16:30 and found myself a camping spot just outside Sutherland where I setup and relaxed, the night sky was a beautiful sight to witness.

I had covered close to 600km for the day and 60km was on tar and the rest on dirt, I was in heaven.

I apologize for the lack of photos for this day, but I blame it on the heat, it was a killer to stop and take photos.

Next instalment I make my way to Steytlerville.
Always wanted to go camping at Orania.
Looks really peacful next to the river..

You should have taken an umbrella by the way.  >:D
orania sign,,,,,koeksister monument???? is it opposite the boerewors monument

anybody have photos of the koek sister monument,,,damm i'll somma ride now to go and check it out

this i gotta seee
malgat said:
orania sign,,,,,koeksister monument???? is it opposite the boerewors monument

anybody have photos of the koek sister monument,,,damm i'll somma ride now to go and check it out

this i gotta seee

Thanks to the hard efforts of the Live search engine, here are some images, although smallish,  to entertain you: 

Die Koeksistermonument - Note: This not to be translated directly as "The Lesbian Monument", even though the symbolic may be obvious to some) >:D


Nice story CP! You did'nt perhaps see a blue side cover for a Yamaha XT 600 Tenere lying on the side of the road between Fraserburg and Suterland! Lost one there 2 years ago!  ;D