My Long Trip to Steytlerville

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Mungo Park said:
where was the camping spot outside Sutherland?

One km out of Sutherland on the Maatjiesfontein road. Was very lekker and ablutions where in excellent condition.
Ok so its day three, and what a great nights sleep, and it got quite cool so much so that I had to use my -5 degree sleeping bag.



All packed up, I head into town to fill up with Petrol, made my way out towards Matjiesfontein and turned left about 5Km out of Sutherland and made my way to Merweville, on the way I had some of the best riding for the trip, had to stop to open and close lots of farm gates and the road conditions got quite exciting especially when coming into a corner with loads of soft sand, but I must say that after 2 long days in the saddle I was starting to get very use to what the bike would do under me in lots of different conditions.

I could see that at some stage I was going to hit a mountain pass as I had to get down into the valley that was visible to my right, a little way further and there it was steep but easily manageable, in no time I was in the valley and carried making my way to the town of Merweville( apparently this is the only town in SA that has 4 roads leading into it and all 4 roads are gravel), once there I was quite impressed by its size and cleanliness.





Didn't have much time to hang around today, had sort of made some unconfirmed plans to meet people in Willowmore for lunch, so carried onto Prince Albert Road where the dirt road sadly came to an end and I had a stretch of 40km of tar to Prince Albert, quickly filled up and after a quick tour of the town I made my way to Willowmore via the dirt road and for the next 160km I would not come across another human being, finally I rode into Willowmore, filled up and headed for the pub at the hotel, the Titty Twisters still nowhere to be seen I met up with some of the Cape Town people and shortly there after was quite surprised to see Skinny and Co. arrive. Here was my chance to see if I could get some willing company to ride with me on dirt along the river to Steytlerville, but no matter how much I twisted Skinny's arm she wouldn't take the bait. Shortly after lunch the much feared Titty Twisters gang arrived and to my disappointment neither of their members accepted the invitation, so I kitted up and rode out of town following Skinny and Co. and then took a left turn for the dirt, I was really looking forward to getting to the river thinking that my luck might change and I will come across some flowing water which would entice me to take a swim. No such luck, the whole way I crossed many dry rivers and finally made my way into Steytlerville and stopped at the local hotel for a well deserved Windhoek, and did it go down well.

We made our way to Noorsport and I set up camp, this was going to be my house for the next 2 evenings, after a cool down swim the evenings entertainment was well under way and all joined in.

Some people just got very tired.  >:D


Saturday had arrived, now the plan was to attempt the Eco Trail down into Baviaans, but after the amount of alchool that was consumed the night before I was in no condition to wrestle with a +200kg bike, so I started the day by changing the back tyre( seems like a normal occurrence every time I go on a trip) followed by breakfast, the discussion sprung up that it was a good idea to go into town and buy some braai supplies and head of to Kevin's Farm, which was equipped with a newly restored swimming pool.


Much fun was had, and the sun did have the last say on my shoulders, later in the afternoon Wolfgang arrived supporting a brand new Anakee tied to Spongebob's 1100GS, for his stranded 1200GS(not bad service from BMW on call, to drive all the way from PE to deliver a tyre, total cost R1100-00), now this his where BMW definitely fall short, we start preparing to change tyres and yeap you guessed it, there is no tool supplied to remove the rim from the bike, but luckily it only has a single sided swingarm and this is how we managed to change the tyre without removing the rim. Soon after we made our way back to Steytlerville and got ready for the evenings festivities.


Next the long road home begins.
Lekke Jose, keep it coming.

Sneaky pic of Coops inserted in there. I like it!  >:D

I was busy saying the same thing, but you beat me to it. Shame Coops looks very tired.  ;D