My solo ride to the 2011 Freestate Bash and beyond...

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Chrissie B

Race Dog
Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Costa Blanca, Spain (NC750X)
Honda NC750X
On Friday morning I was soooo excited to finally go to my first Wild Dog Bash and managed to leave Barberton at about 06h30, was planning for 06h00, but as usual I was too busy ‘faffing’ around… hehehe!

Fortunately Mario had filled up the bike the day before, so this time I didn’t have to waste time stopping at the Petrol Station… saw my friends Maretha and Nicky (Tigers MCC) on my way out of Barberton, waving frantically at me… bye guys… see you Monday…

Since I had a new rear tyre on, I didn’t ride the Badplaas Pass as fast as I usually do, first had to wear it in a bit and ‘suss’ out if this Metzler Sahara’s is any good on tar!  But I’d promised myself in any case that I would take it easy this time… planned to keep to an average speed of about 130/140km’s.  Mostly managed to do that, except for the occasional moment of madness, when my wrist just wanted to turn on the power… but never got close to 160km's until much later on my ride.

I did my usual route when I go down that side of the world… I call it my ‘All The Girls’ route: Carolina, Hendrina, Bethal… then on to Standerton and Vrede.  I encountered some stop and go’s along the way, and some really shitty road surfaces, but on an Africa Twin that is all child’s play… my bike doesn’t seem to care what I ride over!!!  At Vrede my route turned into an unknown entity, as I’d never gone to the ‘left’ before, towards Warden, and it was also around this time that I noticed my right fairing flapping… shit, I lost a bolt… and forgot to take cable ties with (one more thing on my list of things to take on a ride, will need panniers one of these days!).

Although it was a bit annoying with the flapping fairing, it was an uneventful ride to Warden and then a pretty boring stretch to Bethlehem, which is where the throttle hand just automatically started rotating, until I was averaging about 160km’s.  I was meeting my friend Hermit (shame, he had to work, so he missed out on the bash!!) for lunch and drinks in Bethlehem, so at some point I phoned him to ask him to bring cable ties… he wanted to know what broke, I explained and he did one better than cable ties, he brought me a bolt that fitted and quickly fixed the problem… thanks, you’re a star!!  Lunch and drinks turned out to be a bit longer than planned (I was just so glad to be off the bike for a while, had done almost 500km’s by that time!!) and a few tequila’s later I got back on my bike again and was on my way to Fouriesburg, I took Hermit’s advice to go via Clarens as it is a more interesting ride.  I arrived in Fouriesburg mid/late afternoon and made my way to Meiringskloof.  As I went down the gravel road to the camp I got this feeling that I know the place… and when I got to the entrance I realised that I had been there before, a few years ago, with the Africa Twin Club for the annual national bash.  I got the Chalet key from the gate and went in search of my ‘home’ for the weekend.  Shebangu and his sister Yvette arrived around the same time, so we all introduced ourselves, we had never met before and were now ‘house-mates’  :biggrin:.  Laurika and Moon Dog had not arrived yet so I wandered around and checked who else was there.  Wandered over to some guys (Captain J and Silver Surfer) and introduced myself, chatted for a bit and then strolled around some more.  Spent the next few hours introducing myself to various ‘dogs’ and trying to remember all the peeps names… still a bit fuzzy on some of them… finally Laurika and Moondog arrived, we sorted out all the sleeping arrangements, Laurika booked the double bed, Moondog and Shebangu graciously took the lounge and left the room with the single beds for Yvette and myself… cool, thanks guys! 

Back at the fire it was getting festive, more and more dawgs arriving on a array of different gorgeous bikes… what a sight… moved around a bit chatting to various peeps and then ran into Straathond / Andre, who looked familiar, turned out we were both members of the 4x4 Club many, many years ago.  Then the braai packs were dished out, boy were they HUGE!!! I ended up giving most of mine (courtesy of Kawasefi who cancelled at the last moment, thank you so much ☺) to Beemer Mike, as he didn’t think to organise food for himself, he looked a bit lost so I also organised him a plate and cutlery… lol, I have a Guesthouse, so I’m quite good at looking after people!

After dinner the party got quite merry, Schalk from Coligny also finally arrived but I was too exhausted to chat to him for long, and I was in bed by 22h30.  I didn’t even hear the noise of the bikes revving or my room mate come in… I was out for the count.

After a good night’s sleep I was ready for action on Saturday.  Most of us went to the Plaas Stoep for breakfast and planned the day from there.  I was riding with Laurika (XT660), Schalk(DR650), three other guys whose names totally elude me at this time (I know we had a Husaberg, a KLR650 and a yellow GS1150 with us!!! Please guys, refresh my memory ☺) and of course our guides Coetzee and his wife Sonja on the 660 Tenere, thanks you were great leaders, and thank you for the advice along the way!  I started out very nervous and slow on the dirt, but it got better as the day progressed, we had a few sandy patches and I didn’t do the first one, one of the guys took my bike through, but the following ones I did by myself.  There was also a water crossing which was fortunately an easy one and lots of stretches with loose little stones, but those I don’t mind too much.  The scenery was beautiful, and quite different from the Barberton mountains.  We had a really ‘lekker’ ride, but I have no idea exactly where we were!  But by the time we got to Clocolan I was quite tired.  We had something to eat at the quaintest little place called ‘The Cabin Farm Stall & Deli”.  After our meal, Laurika, Schalk and myself decided to go back via tar road… but somehow we lost each other and I ended up riding back to Fouriesburg on my own.  I stopped at the Plaas Stoep to see who is there and shared some guys spare ribs with him (his name also eludes me at the moment!!)… but I think he was so mesmerised by my ‘Impala Rally’ t-shirt (it has holes in the front in strategic places!), that he forgot to eat his food, hehehe.  He did go on about that top for most of the night as well… (if you read this, please refresh my memory as to what your name was!!) 

Finally went back to camp, had a nice bath and swapped t-shirts (much to the disappointment of the WD without a name…)!!  The Spit Braai was great, thanks Hentie and wife for organising the food… and after dinner the madness began once again!  The burn out’s in the Lapa turned funny when Captain J tried to ride his Dakar up the ramp and missed… fell over and ended up in the bushes, that was hilarious… he is now also known as “Bushman” or “Captain Bush”, hahaha…  thanks for the entertainment ;-)!  Thanks also to Raka who supplied the great music, I think everyone loved it and there was a bit of dancing going on too.  I talked to soooo many peeps and I wish I could remember everyone… Milky Bar, Misty, Captain J, Zetman, Super Dave, Stoetbul, DeonDJ, Wheelman, Cave Girl, LeonDude, and obviously my house mates Laurika, Yvette, Shebangu and Moondog… etc etc etc …

Woke up Sunday Morning… ♪ ♫ no not as the song goes, I actually felt pretty good.  Chatted to my house mates over a cuppa, slowly packed my bike and thought I was ready to go to the BIG CITY… I was going to do a detour via Jo’burg to get to Barberton… but I battled to get my bike turned around, couldn’t figure out what it was at first, but then realised that my front tyre had a puncture!!  One of the guys pomped up my tyre, but it didn’t even last to the garage in Fouriesburg, so I parked at the Plaas Stoep, where I found a few doggies willing to help a lady in distress… thanks Herman & wife (what’s it with me and remembering names??) for supplying the tube and for fixing my tyre so efficiently, I really appreciate it and owe you both a few drinks, and thanks also for the other guys/gals who supplied tools and Beemer Man for the use of his pink lube gel… ☺ it definitely did the job!  I must remember to take more equipment and tools with next time!!  At least I had tyre leavers and a pomp, so I was half equipped.  My tyre fixing kit is so old (and never been opened), that the solution had dried out, so I need to replace that as well!!

Finally I was ready to leave just after 11h00, and couldn’t find Laurika anywhere to say goodbye, she disappeared when I went to the bathroom!!  So I rode alone to Deneysville to have a drink at my favourite little Pub at the Vaaldam, The Lake Ave Inn… ended up staying there much too long as well, decided to have lunch there and the sang a few songs with the musician and finally left for my last stretch to Randburg at about 15h15, arrived in Randburg at 16h15. I spent the night at my friend’s house in Weltevreden Park, skinny dipping and drinking tequila (AGAIN!!!)… and then it started raining, it rained all night and was still raining in the morning, so I waited, and waited, finally decided just after 11am that I have to start moving, I really had to get home.  Luckily by the time I got to the East Rand the rain was gone and the roads were drying up.  I made really good time all the way to just past the Middleburg Toll gate on the N4, then stopped to fuel up and my bike refused to start again.  Took everything off to see if it is a loose battery contact, but no luck, then tried to find someone with jumper leads… still no luck… but finally found someone willing to push start me and thank goodness that worked and I was on my way again.  I was glad to arrive at home just after 16h15.  I covered just over 1500km’s from Friday morning to Monday afternoon, probably the longest solo ride I’ve ever done (except for Saturday’s dirt ride with good company).  It’s already Tuesday and my shoulders are still stiff and I’m really tired, but it was worth it, I had a fabulous weekend and I’m absolutely doing this again soon!

Thanks to Hentie and Deon for organising a fabulous Freestate Bash… I’m definitely gonna try to be there again next year!  You dogs rock…!!!

On the way to the bash, near Standerton...

And my little pack donkey!!

The rest of the photos are here somewhere, in between everyone else's:;topic=66615.0


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lekker Chrissie
told our friend chris about your mission.
says he's looking at buying a beemer,  maybe you see him in something other than that awful yellow range rover soon!!!
best wishes to Mario.
Great Chrissie,you rock too on that AT,miss my bike a lot as well when I saw yours,saw Hermit this morning on my way to work,also a good friend,happy that you attended and enjoyed yourself,great to have met you!
DeonDj said:
Great Chrissie,you rock too on that AT,miss my bike a lot as well when I saw yours,saw Hermit this morning on my way to work,also a good friend,happy that you attended and enjoyed yourself,great to have met you!

It was great to meet you too, and I'll be back down that end one of these days! But you still can't have my @, hehehe...  :peepwall: were in bed by 10-30pm.....the fun REALLY started around 1am...I'll have to make a plan with those Leo Vinces if you never heard them... :biggrin:
Kobus, Grunt, Tweets, Schalk, Sonja, Coetzee, Laurika, Chrissie

Chrissie taking a break...she did so well to recover from the last weekend's fall, ...


Schalk fell in love with this little had a flower headlight..and its own box to step on..


i only took one pic of the roads....

Hey Chrissie!... you know what they say... "Old Hondas never die.. they just need a screw every now and then! " :pot:
Always carry cable ties and duct tape in your kit. My Transalp fairing was held together by duct tape for the last two trips, after my fall, and it's amazing how rattle-free the fairing is! Nice meeting doll! have a good one :thumleft: