Need MX boots to test fit and function - Flamingo Vlei area if possible...

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Race Dog
Jan 10, 2023
Reaction score
Cape Town
Honda CRF 300L
Going to try make a long story short.

Had a nasty accident with bad nerve damage as result.
Have to wear a brace/orthotic on my right leg (calf, ankle, foot) to assist with function of my right foot.

Currently I ride with hiking boots since the orthotic can fit inside the boot.
I am considering decent boots again, but the calf part of the orthotic will not fit, or if I size for it to fit the boot will be way too large size for my foot.

I want to test my theory before I spend a lot of money on boots.
The theory is, with decent hinged boots, the boot might fulfil the function of the orthotic.

I guess I can go to a shop and try boots on there, but they will not let me walk around with the boots for a while to do a proper test.

Anyone in the area with decent hinged boots willing to let me do the test please?
My normal shoes are size 11, I cannot recall what my MX boot size was but I think it was 46.

I will need them for a few hours at most to first see if I can get the stupid foot into the boot, walk around a bit to see how that works, and do a quick test on my bike to see if it is practical (standing on the foot-pegs, using rear brake, etc.).
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