Nelsons Creek 2009 (more pics)

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Race Dog
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
Bloemfontein, Vrystaat
Kawasaki KLR 650
Hello all, I'm not a BMW member but just started this thread to share some of my pictures and video of the BMW event that happened at Nelsons Creek this weekend.

Thanks for the invite to other riders, it was really enjoyable.



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The red route turned out to be a lot of fun and adventure. If you were crazy enough and knew what you were doing you could even go up the worst inclines on the mountain. As the guy on the RED 1200 Adventure proved.

Also have a look at the video clip. This was right up the steepest part of the red route. Heavier bikes had the option to take another route past this point but some attacked the impossible anyway.


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Thanks to you and others from the Wild Dogs who made it to the ride. Your presence was warmly welcomed and we hope to see you again next year.


It was a fantastic week-end at a great location.  Complements to the organizers. 

The little hill on the red route was somewhat steep and loose - i had to turn round half way :'( after losing some directional control a couple of times and almost flipping the hp.  Russ did a sterling job forcing his GSA all the way to the top.

Great fun though...

Leftless said:
It was a fantastic week-end at a great location.  Complements to the organizers. 

The little hill on the red route was somewhat steep and loose - i had to turn round half way :'( after losing some directional control a couple of times and almost flipping the hp.  Russ did a sterling job forcing his GSA all the way to the top.

Great fun though...


Lekker ride guys!
Lets see if i can get some pics loaded...


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Manne , wat n lekker naweek. Daar was n paar WDs wat lekker gatgeskop het. Ek moet Pantsula uitsonder, jy het n lekker aggresiewe manier van ry , baie beskeie met sy gewone GS 650 , maar jou toekoms is n HP , regtig. Voorspoed met jou nuwe uitdagings, as ek kyk hoe jy ry , dan weet ek jys n GO GETTER.Weereens , well done !!!
Dan het ek ook die naweek vir Sprocketbek ontmoet,  wat n nice ou, en ja hy het kom rooi roete ry , en ja , dit nogal met sy KTM, hats off Sprocket, o ja , het ek gese die ou kan motorfiets ry. Lekker om n groep likeminded mense bymekaar te he wat net wil RY !!

Ander ryer wat my oog gevang het op sy KLR, is Michiel. Die man het alles wat in sy pad gekom het, aangedurf. Dont judge a book by its cover, hierdie mannetjie gaan nog ver kom.Dan neem hy nog die mooiste fotos ook.Ja nee , die bikebloed loop dik in hierdie man se are.

Nog iemand wat ek wil uitsonder , is Leftless. Kobus , jy is n inspirasie vir ons almal.Wat jy regkry met daai HP verstom my. Ek kan nog steeds nie glo dat jy so kompeterend kan wees nie. Daai R2H HP het n bekende gesig geword by die Skills Challenge. Lekker om jou te ken my maat.Weet nog steeds nie hoe jy dit regkry nie maar f@kk@t, jy mag maar.

Manne wat fotos het, post asb.,my kamera het verkoue gehad, was te lank in die water.

Next year there will sure to be more WD's there! ;D
More pics Please :thumleft:
Leftless, Roney & a few other lads are organising the skills challange at the Outriders Fes....looking forward to that!  :thumleft:
Was baie lekker om jou ook te ontmoet, Fenderbender.

Met Cloudgazer too but just had a quick chat. And was good to run into the other dogs I've met before. Met lots of BMW Club members as well (some I knew before) and certainly had a good time.

Well done to the organizers, it was very well done. Incredible in fact.

I have to confess my punctuality was not as good as theirs, the Sunday's Mystery Ride start at 07:00 was beyond my capability after the Valentine's dinner & dance. My bad  :(

Enjoyed the red route very much. Was tricky and challenging, I can feel I had a lekka workout. Been riding too little lately and my suspension wasn't set up right so it took me a while to gain confidence but it just got better and better.

Didn't attempt that really steep hill but I feel it was the right decision. Would have ruined my day if I had come tumbling down all the way. Also getting an injury in such a remote location would spoil the day for everybody else.

Here are the first 5 pics. Got lots more of the Skills Challenge/Gymkhana but it will take a while to select and post via Photobucket.
1) Michiel
2) Dustdevil
3) Leftless
4) More HPN
5) Dunno who. PM me names and I'll update


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some great pictures! Awesome weekend! I really enjoyed it.
It was a great weekend and safely at home. Will be there again.C.
Apologies for the delay. The 256 kB limitation always catches me out.


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Leftless said:

Flippen excellent!  :thumleft:  The picture of the 1200 over the log is simply stunning.

Sprocketbek the last picture! Just stunning, please post more, it seems there's some okes that can really ride a 1200! 

Come on post more pics of the skills challenge please.


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that log turned out to be one of the easier parts of the course, it looks intimidating though...

this is what some experienced riders told me on how to clear the log... approach it slow and easy, just before the log compress the front and give it gas :) not to much though or the back wheel can whip back at you  :mwink:
The basic yes, but this guy was quite aggressive about it, you have to otherwise it crashes on the bashplate.  :thumleft:
Pistonpete said:
Next year there will sure to be more WD's there! ;D
More pics Please :thumleft:

Here you go...