New member from Pretoria Moot.

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Race Dog
May 4, 2011
Reaction score
DKW (all models)
I forgot to do this when I stopped lurking, so I will do it now.

I work in retail, so chances are I will be grumpy if you speak to me due to loosing saddle time.
If you have a problem with it, don't speak to me.

I am about the only Pretoria WB that rides a BMW. The rest rides KTM (gapoe).
Julle het die goed gekoop, hou op kla in my ore.

Ek is 'n hoarder, so al julle unused junk kan julle vir my gee. Ek help ander mense met dit waar ek kan.

Ek is 'n Pick& Pay smart shopper.

Ek drink bubblegum milkshake, en melk shooters.

Ek  luister Jack Parow en Flooze wanneer ek in 'n commin bui is.

Ek ry vir die lekker saam met my vrou, en baie frikken stadig. Dis hoe ons dit like, soos grootmense, nie soos 'n tiener seun met sy eerste pomp van 37 sekondes nie.

Ek gaan nou werk. Bye.