Grey Hound

I was looking for a ride to the Cederberg for a sleep over and started a thread WC- Where are you riding this weekend ?
And the thread got Flatout and Gwild thinking too.
And so Flatout came up with his 3 day Baviaanskloof ride , which was a little long away from home for me , it being this time of the year and having a 9yr old.
While Lurking on the planning a ride , I saw this venue . KOEDOESKLOOF NU YEAR ,
Now Koedoeskloof has always been one of my favorite places to stay , so that was that , I pmd a few friends , all had plans already , so alone I would go then.
Another Lurker noticed my thread , Mr.Python ! , wow I thought , I hadnt seen him out riding for a while.
So we met bright and early on the 31st of Dec. and off we went.
Franshoek , Villiers , then dirt over the Breede onto the Elandi Road

to Robertson , Ashton and Montague.
Then Dirt and up Oiuberg Pass , where I silently payed Respects to Bottervets Father , who , while flying for 110 Squadron( Citizens Force for the Defence Force ) Had crashed is plane there many years ago and sadly was killed.
If you come down the mountain and look over the edge of one of the sharp corners , you will see a white cross , painted where the plane once lay.
Anyway , past Ouberg Pass you come to the Touwsriver Turn off , where we stopped for a breather, and I discussed the rout further and warned Mr,Python of the drift a couple of kays up the road where there is always water.
I came around the corner at a speed , and noticed the drift was still full , Brrrrraaaakkkkkes *******8 , Shew that was close.
The water was still a half a meter deep !
At a speed , your feet come off the pegs and the water comes up into your helmet and you are partially blinded for a few seconds ! I Know !
I jumped off my bike and waved Mr. Python down , to take a pic.

Getting to Koedoeskloof early for a change , we pitched our tents , changed into something a bit cooler.
Neil had decided to travel light , leave his tent at home and brought a Hammock instead.
We vissited the Dwarsbar and met up with some of the WD that we there,
Rommel was limping around after falling whilest making a u turn and had been taken to the local Hospital for treatment , Hondsekierie , had a bandaged arm , having come off en route, but all in all , Koedoeskloof is A LEKKER PLACE TO have a beer and chill out.
So after relaxing a bit at the Dwarsbar , we decided to have a nap , so as to pace ourselves and wait for the rest of the crowd to come back from there days rideing.
Well we were only down for about half an hour and there is a loud crack and crash !!!
Lol ,I look out of my tent to see , Mr.Python dangling out of a Rubber Tree , Rubber trees dont like Hammocks it appears.


After this , a quick shower and back to the Dwarsbar for a lekker kuier with the Martin Brothers , lekker Blues , Bob Dylan included.
It was good to see old friends and meet new ones and good way to see the new year in.
THANKS Velbrand and your lovely wife for making it such a memorable evening , KOEDOESKLOOF ROCKS !!!
On the way home we went up Seweweekspoort , some way past Seweweekspoort , I noticed a turn off on my GPS , looked like a main road , but I hadnt noticed it previously. Turns out there is another road that runs parallel to the main road through ROUXPOS , next time , im going that way.( Letsgofishing dd a ride report having been through there)
And then on through the Witterberg road to Touwesriver.
On the way home Mr. Python and I