On the WARTRAIL - The KTM Rallye Raid

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FartyZA - knowing the area around the Wild Coast so intimately, surely you can work on the spelling of the names (seeing that you are the meticilous type).

And yeah, I think I know why you are so worried about the cleanliness of the palms of your hands.......
Ja swaer. Had you been there and experienced the spirit of the event you would understand the cameraderie that you are now viewing as "sensitivity".  "U hit me - we  hit U"  I'm sure you heard about this phenomenon somewhere before?
stroppie said:
Ja swaer. Had you been there and experienced the spirit of the event you would understand the cameraderie that you are now viewing as "sensitivity".  "U hit me - we  hit U"  I'm sure you heard about this phenomenon somewhere before?

Stroppie - if you had looked at the emoticons I used you will have noticed that my statement was 'tongue in cheek' and not a dig at anyone or anyones ride/event or whatever.

Chill! 8)
Groenie said:
FortyZA said:
I am so glad to see the Alfie and Co, plus fellow KTM rider are quite happy to continue with global warming by riding through what is clearly a soil errosion strip, thus causing much more errosion once all the bikes have been through. We need that Adventure bike riders stick to routes which do not stuff up areas, so that eco systems remain intact and that we leave it for our kids to enjoy also.

It is not suprising that he got that big fine in the Transkei!!!! >:D.

First of all, sorry to the other BMW riders on the forum, but I have to say this:
Jou donnerse hypocrate. Get a life. Asof julle ape op die GSC nie ook 'erosion' veroorsaak het nie?

FortyZA said:
My thoughts on this years challenge:
My take on this years challenge was .....

Even a local farmer who thought the area around his farm could be a challenge, altered the route past his farm house to go through a dry river bed, and lots of soil errosions which added about 8 to 10 kilos which through out the BMW route guides. Great thinking on his part but must admit that there were a few choise words flung in his direction but in the end, it was enjoyed but Hdra8 and myself.

Net omdat jou exclusive event nie FUN was nie, try jy nou snaaks wees teenoor een van die mense wat ontsaglik baie vir biking in SA doen en beteken.

Get a life, en sommer ook daai KTM wat jy soooooooo graag wil hê sodat jy ook 'n burn-out op die tafel kan doen.

Bikers soos jy moet liewer loop.

Mods, you can delete this post, but only AFTER 40 has read it.

Groenie, why are you so up in arms, afterall you ride a groen Kawa.  I wrote what I did to get some sort of reaction because after the 2005 and 2006 GSC, everyone was up in arms.  >:D Chill out and take a Prozac or 2.

gonedown said:
ai toggie - maar die mense is sensitive jong!!! ;) ;D

Gonedown, Well said my man!  ;D
>:D P, Go back and read the reports from the previous GSC. No back pedal, only a big wooden spoon stirring Sh$t up trying to get peoples to voice their opinions.  >:D
There's better ways of getting reaction ie asking, not accusing without facts - thats not only arrogant, but also insulting to the organisors.

The main difference between the events from my neutral (KLR) corner seems to be the fact that BM-riders were bitching about the GSC in the past while I haven't heard a KTM rider bitch about the RR yet.  The only bitchers seems to be the BM riders who weren't even there ???

Got to agree with Groenie - get off your green monsters and get a live.... 

Well done to AC too - one of the best riders in this country mixing it up with the guys - great stuff.


You sound like the guy in George who wrote to the newspaper about the bikers chasing away the "takbokke" in George dam area. Its a plantation and the roads used by bikers are used by 10ton trucks every day. I might be wrong, but apart from the JHB ZOO, I don't think "takbokke" even exist here.

Anyway, GET A LIFE BRU. Obviously you have been watching Carte Blanche and don't quite understand global warming. Its about greenhouse emissions, not one secondary road in Transkei.
KiLRoy said:
There's better ways of getting reaction ie asking, not accusing without facts - thats not only arrogant, but also insulting to the organisors.

The main difference between the events from my neutral (KLR) corner seems to be the fact that BM-riders were bitching about the GSC in the past while I haven't heard a KTM rider bitch about the RR yet.  The only bitchers seems to be the BM riders who weren't even there ???

Got to agree with Groenie - get off your green monsters and get a live.... 

Well done to AC too - one of the best riders in this country mixing it up with the guys - great stuff.


True, anyway I'm now done with this thread coz the whiners have managed to fuck it up. Cheers I'm gonna find another place to be happy and positive and read about fun stuff.
"Takbokke" were brought down here by Rhodes and have become a pest.

Fallow Deer to be more precise.
Good eating, I have shot a few in the E-Cape.

I have no saak with them being chased or killed, intruder species.

shark_za said:
"Takbokke" were brought down here by Rhodes and have become a pest.

Fallow Deer to be more precise.
Good eating, I have shot a few in the E-Cape.

I have no saak with them being chased or killed, intruder species.
Geezlike, you don't learn do you?  :D
This thread should be renamed - On the WAR PATH - BMW vs. KTM

Or - On the WAR PATH - Hunters vs. Bunny huggers.
Please do PH - you still havent said how MJ made us proud!

Trailrider said:
So, this is how you F-up a good ride report.  :mad:


40ZA, and while you're at it won't you go f*ck MJ's Angola odyssey as well for riding on the beach or something :angry1:


I don't want to beg  ....but please post some more piccies and clips ...I'm you're biggest fan  ;D ;D ;D ...Plottie your's also  ;D ;D ;D