DEON 1190
Race Dog
I will confess to over thinking the preparations for adventures , its in my nature , aware I cant plan for it all , but do the best I can to dot all the i s and cross the t s . This said I am preparing for 2 trips , first is my birthday long weekend on the 21st March and a week later ( easter) we going on a Mountain kingdom ride .
I know my bike is 100 and riding gear is ready , but for some reason I keep on thinking there is something that I am forgetting , and for the life of me cant put my finger on it .
Birthday weekend we are towing the bikes down to Mosselbay , and Lesotho we are riding . Trailer part is all sorted . For Lesotho we are taking just a top box for requirements . Looking forward to it all .
I know my bike is 100 and riding gear is ready , but for some reason I keep on thinking there is something that I am forgetting , and for the life of me cant put my finger on it .
Birthday weekend we are towing the bikes down to Mosselbay , and Lesotho we are riding . Trailer part is all sorted . For Lesotho we are taking just a top box for requirements . Looking forward to it all .