Paleisheuwel,Pakhuis pass, Wupperthal, Eselbank,Algeria loop

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Race Dog
Jan 25, 2007
Reaction score
Cape Town
Honda TransAlp XL700V
Being at home while the better half is at work is a waste and I have been watching cricket since Wednesday quite bored. Decided I had to try out my new knobblies which I had just fitted, grabbed the GPS and road map and planned the route.
After walking the pooch at 05h30 pulled out the TA and as I planned only a day trip used the tank bag for the camera etc. Kitted up with the camelpak and left at 07h00 before Mrs K left for work. 


I hit the black strip and was badly buffeted by the wind all the way to Moooreesburg then what a pleasure "no wind" which immediately told me it was going to be a "cooker" managed a quick pic riding up the Piekeniers pass of the "bread basket" in the Swartland.


At the top of the pass is the turnoff for Paleisheuwel a new route that I have not ventured on before, for the first 5 k's the road is tarred and then gravel with loads of surprises good, bad and without warning sand. Did not take to many pics as I was trying to keep the "sand monster" from claiming another victim.


Rejoined the N7 and refueled at Clanwilliam before tackling the Pakhuis pass, paid my respects to "oom Leipoldt"


Managed a couple of pics before reaching Wupperthal.



Made a quick visit to the leather factory to order some "new" riding boots , then a quick nibble at Lekkerbekie.





The next half of the trip was quite technical riding over the 4x4 route to Eselbank and onto the campsite at Algeria.Sorry no more pics hit the N7 again and home back at 17h00.
Total k's travelled 580. The new knoblies make a huge difference and managed a couple of "power slides"  ;D ;D

Another cool place i need to put on my TO RIDE LIST area.
Nice ride Keith.  :thumbsup:

Nice trip + report and I love the place names in the Cape!
I must add that this route has a little of everything to offer very interesting and tricky road conditions and numerous water crossings which I am sure will be testing in the rainy months. The rock formations are incredible en route through the Cederberg I took these just before reaching Eselbank after a very sandy section.


The mountain in the background is known as Sneeuberg and two years ago while taking some American friends through in December in the 4x4 there was snow on the peak.


Hey KeithK nice ride.... nope you got to admit thats better than watching cricket ;D ;D ;D
cool trip knobbly man

one day, when I'm big, I'm gonna fit knobblies just like you ;D
Hey there when you get to my age you WILL have to fit "knobblies" especially as you will have had all those "beers" by then  ;D ;D . I must say they DO make a difference.  ;D ;D
Keth,Good Report,!
Looks like an awsome ride.
You thinking of calling your self "Lonerider".It would have been nice to have it on a weekend, so we could have gone with !!
And Mountainboy.hang that back tyre up for the Winter.Buy a maxxis M6006 From bikestuff(Warick) only R380. fitted and balanced.
Then you can really show your talents.