Port Elizabeth.....

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Zeff Cowboy

Living the American Dream
Feb 1, 2007
Reaction score
Indiana USA
On my way home today i did some exploring who says you can't have an adventure in your own town.

The wind was really blowing badly today and the sea spray driven right onto the road. No wonder we have such a rust problem.

If anyone has trouble riding in wind come to PE you'll get all the wind practice you want. Tip: Put both feet down when you stop, the wind blows you over easily.

I stopped next to the railway lines in North End, always wanted to know what goes on behind the building. I parked the KLR around the corner to protect it from the terrible sea spray.


I love railway lines.

The wind was driving the waves right onto the railway lines. Two shacks can be seen on the photo. They must be totally wet inside. Shows you how tough people can be.

I tried to take a proper photo of the waves but my cellphone camera response is really slow.

I spent a couple of minutes walking up and down the railroad. There is something about crashing waves and driving wind that calms me down.

I love bridges and love finding out what hides underneath them. No troll under this one.


Some comic graffiti


Hmmm interesting, never seen this before.

Another interesting place. Wonder what it can be??

To be continued someday....
Cappy, one day I'm just going to wake up, decide today is the day, and I'm going to ride down there and come and visit you to see that wonderfull town you call home.

Thanks for sharing those pix, they're awesome!

droffarc said:
CS, just where is this GHost town? Maybe everyone was recovering from the bokkebash?

Nice one, thnax  (dis lek sick) thanx.

Everybody was nursing their babelas
Nice one. I think's that maybe i will also wake up one day and ride down there. Why? Because i can.  So cool that we can upload pic's directly, allows us to see what we would never see.
Hey Cap, was in vir 'n week nou in PE en Plett. Die wind het my net weer herinner hoekom ek like om hier bo te bly...

Maar plek bly darem mooi en die min verkeer verbaas NOOIT nie!

Sien daars nou al so 5 bike shops oop daar in Walmer naby die 5th Avenue shopping centre.

Anyways ek sal weer na kersfees vir so week daar wees, wil biekie ons 1983 XT250 by die huis 'n service gee. Moes vir 10minute sukkel om die ding aan die gang geskop te kry nadat dit 6 maande terug eers gestart is.