Puppies alternative route

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May 21, 2009
Reaction score
Suzuki DR650
Saturday Puppies run along the Darling Railway tracks
As I stood beside the West Coast Road having run out of petrol the first words out of Andy’s mouth were: “How stupid, not only do you have a huge tank but is also see through.”
Agreed but boys will not be boys if they don’t try to stretch the limits.
Thankfully help was on hand and I was back on the road topped up using a Windhoek Lager bottle.

Cool misty weather greeted all the riders as we met at the Engen stop on the N7 were introduced to Gabriel the man who was going to patiently take all the puppies offroad along the Darling railway tracks.
With everybody warned about the holes and water hazards along the way all set off the experienced ahead and the puppies following and been shown the correct way to cross railway tracks and stay onboard plus how to ride the loose stones and sand.

I can remember the last time I rode the track it was practically underwater and the dips and holes were extremely deep.
Not so this time. Hardly a sign of water and in places the track appears to have been repaired.
All made it and settled down to breakfast in darling.


The road home was back along the first part of the track and then the party split with Andy leading four of us back over the mountains exciting at Grotto Bay.
Thanks to Gabriel and all who helped the day turned out to be yet another great one to remember.
And Andy next time I will fill up and take a closer look at the level in my see through tank.





Ek het beidjie op Mapsource gaan loer. Was die roete die een wat van Darling hardloop deur 'n plek met die naam Uilenkraal (seker 'n plaas of wat?) wat doodloop teen die R45?
Pistonpete said:
Who's the vertically challanged person?
It was "little missinglink"-NOTHING the 640 could do was fast enough for him!!! Thanks for all,it was a really nice ride.Lekker to see some "old" faces again and meet some new dogs(Robin Brown it was a pleasure meeting you-man I must really make some time to listen to all your adventures.)En D R dit was ook regtig lekker om jou te ontmoet-moet nog eendag rustig n koffie gaan sit en drink. Andy thanks.Ronin ook lekker om jou weer te kon sien.Can't remember all the names but again-thank you all for a great time.
And old Andy was nearly keel-hauled in Darling.Gave a nice warning/advice speech about the water we were to cross/go through and when we stopped in Darling a VERY p*ssed off 6 year old was unhappy because there was no water and "die baas het gese daar gaan wees!"  :deal: So Andy took 6 of us to Groto Bay where little link duly got rid off his riding gear and headed for the rocks. ;D
RR going to stick my neck out here seeing that I was not there but the bike sleeping in the sand is not CS's bike - no orange headlight and wrong colour seat, must be a poser!?
This is not Coffee Snob falling over.
What a nice day, we had something of everything and it was just what I needed  :thumleft:

Our group split off into smaller ones after lunch. We ended up taking the railway almost all the way back to Kraaifontein. Thanks to theWes, he patiently led the way  :ricky:

That is dusty's tw200 eating some dirt, I jumped off to help, but she enjoyed the fall so much, you could hear her laughing a mile away  :imaposer:

Hope to ride with you guys again soon,

Ride safe
Rhian said:
RR going to stick my neck out here seeing that I was not there but the bike sleeping in the sand is not CS's bike - no orange headlight and wrong colour seat, must be a poser!?
This is not Coffee Snob falling over.

Ek trek sommer net aan Dusty R se been.  I know it is her.  :peepwall:

This was awesome!

Ons was 3 girlies in die groep. Coffee Snob, Robicon en ekke. 2 TW's en 1 KLR.

Dit was nogals iets om te sien toe ons van die garage af vertrek het: 'n spul bike's wat nogals 'n paar grotes insluit wat teen 80 km/h in die geel lyn treinspoor toe ry.

By die spoor gekom het ons 'n vinnige les gehad hoe om die oor die goeters te ry.

Toe begin die sports!

Die plain gravel langs die spoor was fine, maar jeez! daai spoorwegklippe werk jou gal!

Blykbaar was ek te stadig in die begin oor die klippe. Die manne se ek moet vinniger ry oor die goed.

Raait. Toe doen ek maar asemhalingsoefeninge tot in darling.

Ek sou graag wou fotos neem van die skape en beeste maar julle weet hoe dit gaan. Gabriel jy moet die diertjies opsit hoor! Het amper 'n muis ook plat gery, gelukkig het die dingetjie dir gemaak.

Die ouens was so nice. Gabriel was op 'nstaduim my persoonlike babysitter. Baie dankie daarvoor!

Daar was altyd iemand wat by die sigzag spooroorgange vir ons gewag het om te wys waarheen en Andy het by al die slaggate waggestaan.

Naby Darling het 2 honde my gejaag! Oh the action!

Die plek waar ons geeet het was goed geprys. Die eierbreakfast het net ongelooflik vaal gelyk.

Toe ontdek Coffee Snob langs my 'n bosluis op haar maag...en nog een! Toe't ek 'n stripsearch in die badkamer gedoen want gin ding gaan my byt nie! Moet se, so deur die breakfast kon ek voel my spiere vibrate 'n bietjie. Ek lekker styf vanaand!

Oppad terug het die pad vir my baie rowwer gevoel. Het gewonder of dit ooit dieselfse pad is. Die klippe was net baie meer en baie dikker. En uit die bloute was daar sand. Ek het dit nie gesien oppad soontoe nie.

Kadoef!  Daar le ek! Vir die eerste keer was die bike nie bo op my nie en dit was 'n sagte landing. Dankie tog!

Kry bike op met hulp, da' gat ons!

Terug op die N7 het Wes vir my en Ronin op 'n outing gevat by Kalbaskraal omgewing en nog 'n treinspoor. Meer asemhaling oefeninge!

Het dit in een stuk tot by Kraaifontein en toe by 'n braai uitgekom...met 'n bosluis op my arm. Die ouens wat my ken kan die drama indink.

Dankie vir julle almal wat gekom het! Missinglink jou mini me is te cute!
Was baie lekker om jou te ontmoed.

Dankie vir Gabriek, Andy en Wes vir babysitting. Ronin jy's 'n ou doring
Pinelands doggie dit was lekker om jou ook te sien.

Nou's my arms lam getik!

Gaan nou eers movie kyk.  Sien by die toyrun!
haha! glad i'm not the only one who "rode so slowly that the ticks had time to get on" ;D
what a fun day, thanks so much to everyone, you guys were all infinitely patient!
little missing link, you rock! what a great little guy, it was a pleasure to have such a chilled, well behaved kid along.
ja DR, those spoorwegklippe were mean  >:D Definitely learned a thing or 2 today. going to sleep well!
good to have ridden with you all
Moerse lekker day for a ride, fanks guys  :thumleft:


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Thanks for a cool ride Dusty Rusty.
And to Arch Angel for organising.
Good to meet up with new WD and to re-aquant the old ones.



Missinglink , good little lad you have there.
All fully kitted , Leat brace , boots , protective plastics , full face and Blue tooth , so his dad can tell him to sit down (while riding)



Its cool to ride slower for a change , you see so much more of the country side.

Arch Angel


Dusty Rusty


Pleco`s wife



We even bumped into KLR with the family in his cage.(Volvo)

Thanks arch for organizing this one.

I managed to keep the kalahari upright all the way. Respect to the gs guys riding those big ones off road.

Rubicon had a smallish off, trying to avoid running into DR on a gravel section. a nice drop, pitch and roll! I was on blue tooth with her, and got all the special effects and comments while she went down, and afterwards. Did not know she had such a choice of words!  :dousing:

Blue shoulder and stiff neck, but good otherwise. Her confidence took a bit of knock though. Had to work it back up again along the tar back.

Thanks to shredder for chucking me full off stones. I'll return the favour.  :mwink:

And DR, if Andy waves you around a big hole, he is not saying hello. Stop waving back at him, and ride around him, and not over him!  :imaposer:

Ronin, the girls keeping falling for you! last time wicked knickers, this time Rubicon and DR. thanks for assisting so fast everytime! you should get a helmet cam!  :peepwall:
Grrrr.... said:
Ek het beidjie op Mapsource gaan loer. Was die roete die een wat van Darling hardloop deur 'n plek met die naam Uilenkraal (seker 'n plaas of wat?) wat doodloop teen die R45?

Uilenkraal is 'n plaas en ja die pad sluit aan by die Malmesbury/Hopefield pad. maar die gedeelte wat hier gery is, is hoofsaaklik voor Darling. Die treinspoor oppad na Uilenkraal het nie 'n service road nie, behalwe die eerste geddelte toe by Kiekoesvlei/Groenvlei. Die service road begin na Uilenkraal weer en dan draai dit weg Koringberg toe.
Snafu said:
Grrrr.... said:
Ek het beidjie op Mapsource gaan loer. Was die roete die een wat van Darling hardloop deur 'n plek met die naam Uilenkraal (seker 'n plaas of wat?) wat doodloop teen die R45?

Uilenkraal is 'n plaas en ja die pad sluit aan by die Malmesbury/Hopefield pad. maar die gedeelte wat hier gery is, is hoofsaaklik voor Darling. Die treinspoor oppad na Uilenkraal het nie 'n service road nie, behalwe die eerste geddelte toe by Kiekoesvlei/Groenvlei. Die service road begin na Uilenkraal weer en dan draai dit weg Koringberg toe.


Is daai die moeite werd om te ry?

Ek soek iets vir 'n oggend ry en kyk na dalk iets soos Malmesbury, Riebeeck West, Moreesburg, Darling. Ek dink ek het al van daai paaie gery maar kan nie meer lekker onthou nie.
Kan werk, dan draai jy links op teerpad na Hopefield en dan regs by Koringberg vir Moorreesburg. Dan kom jy weer agter Malmesbury deur Kaap toe