Quick ride to Swaziland - Youth Day

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Pack Dog
Dec 9, 2008
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so i had woken up late... tsk tsk,
it was a Monday and I had taken leave, it’s good to slob out once in a while

Anyways, it was going on about 10am and I still had no plans for the next 2 days (Tuesday = youth day) and I wanted to get my father’s advice on something....
Sure, I could have just phoned him but I had 2 days, was bored and decided to visit....
so Swaziland it was

DAY 1....away
now i know, Swaziland isn’t really that far (370km).... but when I’m on my bike, the road is always longer, that'll be due to all the detours and back-routes I take ;)

I finally got out of JHB at 11ish and decided the N17 is a lot prettier, smaller, and toll-friendlier than the N12...
going past Carnival City, I remembered that I hadn’t gotten presents for my friends kids the last time I drove up and as it seemed to be a day of spontaneity, I decided to do that

the next mission was to find a toy store  (its unbelievable how many TOYota dealerships my Garmin knows about), but it told me there was a Reggie’s in Witbank... which is on the way... if i don’t take the N17  ::)

so, snake road up to the N12, and off I went on the dreary highway towards Witbank
I started getting really bored after about  5km and looked on the gps for alt routes, saw that the R555, was running parallel almost all the way to Witbank, so turned off at the next offramp
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Now the fun started, DS country, potholes, ridges, gashes, loose pieces of coal being near several collieries as well as sudden transitions to dirt road then back to rudimentary tar, there was also a pungent smell of coal in the air and the occasional ‘country’ (read that as back of cow) smells, I was loving every second (ok, maybe not the cow exits)
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I emerged onto the highway, feeling fantastic, and stopped in at the Reggie’s.
Acquired these 2 gifts…. Not really thinking clearly… (ie was thinking,
wow, the kids would love that, as opposed to
wow, how the @#%# am I going to fit that on my bike…
I didn’t have a cargo net/tie down ropes… neither did Pick n Pay…
so I left the gifts at the toy store and went off to find a shop that could help me..

Outdoor warehouse was nearby. They had a cargo net, that would fit nicely…to a bakkie.
They also had some cheap ratchet straps that would do the job I needed, so I bought those,
back to the toy store to fetch the gifts and then spent about 20 minutes in the parking lot unpacking clothes etc to try and fit the one gift in my bag so I could strap the other down,
doesn’t help that they were fragile and you want to strap them down tight….. but not too tight, eish.

So back on the road,  through the stupid tollgates, WHY does a 200kg vehicle have to pay the same amount as a Land Rover weighing in at half a million tons, I DONT GET IT

passed by Shell for a quick refuel  (I love how I continuously manage to get 16.4l in what is a claimed 16l tank) 
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and onward
I don’t normally take the N11, so I did, down the R542 through Breyton stopping on the way for 2 reasons
1) to find out what damage the pigeon that just flew into my radiator did (nothing as it turns out)
2) to find out just how cheap those ratchet straps were, the gifts already needed readjusting.
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towards Chrissiesmeer and I was back on the N17  ;)

Stayed on this till I got to the detour towards Waverly (alternate border into Swaziland (closes at 16h00) I was there with 15 minutes to spare. Ps… if you ever decide to use this border… and I suggest you do, the scenery that follows is nothing short of epic, make sure your disc’s etc are up to date, its not a frequently crossed border post, so they check EVERYTHING, I was the only person there, getting my passport stamped and there were 3 guys round the bike hunting for chassis and engine numbers.
The sergeant inside was asking how fast it goes and how long would it take me if I went full speed from JHB…. No guesses as to what I told him ;)

The transition from border post to border post, from country to country is profound, it’s like night and day, modern and prehistoric, 1st world & 3rd, you cannot go through this border post on a nice day on a DS machine, without a smile lighting up your face, its like entering another world (Welcome to Swaziland)
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exit from the republic

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and entry into the kingdom

So, its almost 4, in winter (early sunset), I still have 140km to do, 2 visits to make AND I want to enjoy the roads… onwards
What amazing roads, forests, views, sunsets…. I love coming back here and make a silent promise to do it more on my bike
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Was also so nice to see the smiles of the kids when I gave them their gifts, was a June Christmas ;) as well as watch the sunset to a well deserved beer
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Then it was time to go home (as in parents), they live in Mbabane, 50km from where I was in Manzini, was after dark so took the safest option, the highway, which has been under a constant state of construction for the last decade (that’s not an exaggeration btw, took the Americans 6-monthts to build a 1000 mile highway through Canada, and we take 10 years for 50km)
On the plus side, its now finished and might I say… absolutely stunning. Smooth as silk, not a single rut or potholes and very windy, definitely one of the best and most interesting highways Ive been on, so maybe the wait was worth it.
What wasn’t worth it was the offramp I took…

Normally, Im aware of this small section of gravel near my folks place, but I didnt know it had been raining and I came across this 'puddle'.
I didnt want to cross the middle as I couldnt see anything especially the depth or potholes under the water due to it being pitch black, so decided to carefully ride it on the side...harder, drier mud.
Now, as it turned out, I wasnt wearing wellington boots at the time, was in a country where my phone doesnt work, on a road with no traffic and was only 5km from home after a good 500km of riding: These were the things I was contemplating as I felt that back wheel sink further into the mud. Obviously stand cant go down and cant walk away from the bike to get something for traction....
Got off, put gloves etc in topbox,managed to walk it about 2cm, then stuck again.... decided to try the age old tactic of a higher gear... and nailing it (and that is the nice track you see on the left :)   )

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DAY 2....and back again
AGAIN... started out late, really have to stop doing that
Only left town at 11am and decided to go North through and back via Long Tom

Took a quick little visit to the mud as I couldnt get that shot during the day then hit the road..

Took the road which goes past Hwane dam and to Malalotcha Game Reserve... wow... WOW WOW WOW
this is an amazing road (superbikers, get up here and ride this, not as fast as Long Tom, but WAY more technical and twisty, just brilliant)
<img src="https://farm4.static.flickr.com/3572/3676164354_bb88dcee94.jpg">

A little bit further on, there are the views, over Maguga Dam, the largest in Swaziland, view is so pretty, I decided to turn off the road and go slightly towards a hut to get a picture
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Unfortunately, what the picture doesnt show so well is the gradient going down and I didnt want to go all the way into their little kraal only to find Id be unwelcome there, so best turn round then...
Again... unfortunately the only turn around spot (I saw at the time) is in a ditch
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Now as It turns out, shortish people like me who only manage to touch the ground when the bike is level... struggle a bit more in a ditch ;)
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but you know what, It had to happen sometime, no-one got hurt (k, Shani got a little hurt, but shes ok, just lost an indicator and gained a loosened mirror) and a lesson was learnt... so on we go

stopped as I was crossing Maguga for some shots
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It had been suggested to me over breakfast, that instead of taking the main Piggs Peak border post, I go through Bulembu (another alternative out of the way post, gravel isnt the best there but the tall trees are beautiful and road that follows from the border to Barberton is again amazing (50km, twisty, long sheer drops and absolutely no traffic (3 cars in 50km) through the mountain roads.

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my wallowing mirror (makes it easier to see blind spots  >:D)

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forests en route to Bulembu
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road to Barberton

After this it was pretty straightforward, quick fillup in Nelspruit, then Long Tom to Lydenburg stopping to look at the memorial
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Shani showing her mud from the night before

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Just the right size to mount a cannon on

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Long Tom Memorial Gun

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Top of Long Tom pass viewpoint

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Highest Point on Route en route to Lydenburg

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Approaching Dullstroom

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Final refuel, this time... me...cheesburger...mmmmmm

then had a quick change of clothing into EVERYTHING I had, was 4pm, 14 degrees and I still had 200km to go, so that was the last of the pics... but then again I was back on the highway... so it must be said, the last of anything worth taking a picture of anyway.

At least I had time to think about the reasons I love doing this
getting away, seeing sights, smelling bananas and pinapples, dodging potholes while standing up, going off the road down small paths just because theyre there, the warm sun on your face and cold through your gloves, the courtesy of other bikers and the interest of other people, the sensation of  taking those corners just right, or sometimes even better... not taking them right and getting away with it, the pure vulnerability of biking, the freedom it offers.
Its all of these, but mostly, its the sensation that makes me feel alive...

Then I got back to the city  :p.................. and now i need to get out again
Thanx for reading

larger pics available here
Awesome report.

The did the last bit of that highway in a year. The big bridge bit near Mbabane.
2 months ago the main bit was not done yet.

BEAUTIFUL RR - mental note to myself - need to DO this trip!!!
Great Stuff. :thumleft: Brings back some memories when i was there over December. ;)
Hi Treemom

Enjoyed your RR, you need knoblies for the dirt!

hey guys

pistol - totally agree, its still virgin territory, its such a pretty country, im proud to have been born there
shark_za - i know, it was such a shock getting to town and all of a sudden your on a bypass road, what a road though
xwagga - let me know when, ill happily go again anytime
tvb - agreed, but afraid i spend more time on the tar... thinking heidenhau tho....
blazes - link to your rr? ;)

everyone else... thanx for the comments and compliments  :)
