Railway line from Krugersdorp to Magalies << new blurb and ride pics added>>

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Feb 13, 2008
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Kymco (all models)
I had an idea

The idea needed research

The research needed a ride

The ride needed a buddy

The buddy needed to be patient, laid back, and not in a hurry because I knew there would be a lot of messing about, U-turns, and trying to work out where in Gauteng and the North West we were.

So yesterday afternoon I gave Leon[dude] a ring and asked him if he felt like some exploratory riding, and if he had some petrol and time to kill. He was game for some new roads so the plan was made.

So whatâ??s the idea?

Once a month the Magaliesburg Express steams from Krugersdorp Station (or diesels from JHB station) to the Magaliesburg Hotel, where the passengers get off, have lunch, and then re-board and return.

My idea is that we would make a social event of it that involves family, children, spouses or significant spouse equivalents. We would see them onto the train and then leapfrog them on the journey, with us riding as close a route to the railway track as possible. We would then join them for lunch and then repeat the process on the return leg. Sort of train spotting, but with our people on the train.

So I wanted to see if I could find a route along the railway line from Krugersdorp Station to Magaliesburg.  I did a bit of plotting with Google Earth and Mapsource and loaded waypoints of each place where a road crossed the track, the idea being that if we could not find a route along the line we would take roads to the next waypoint and try from there.

We succeeded, but not fully. From the Krugersdorp side we hit a few dead-ends, and it took us about 6Kms to get onto â??trackâ? and  approaching Magalies we had to take tar from Orient for the last 5Kms. Along the way there were quite a few dead-ends.

Even if we never go train spotting, I think this is quite a nice way out to Magalies. The first bit is through old mining areas, and from there it is through the open fields to Magailies. There are quite a few â??cultural villagesâ? and informal settlements that you have to ride through, but apart from Leon being molested by a large dog, we encountered nothing other than astonishment or friendliness.   

So I think we have a workable route as follows with all the u-turns edited out. 


One of our dead ends near the start. Had to turn back.


Along the way on the West Rand Consolidated property we found this old shunting yard full of old steam and diesel locos. We chatted up the lady at the gate who let us in for a look â?? amazing and like being in a time warp/



This poor old loco ran out of steam a long time ago





Another spot where we found this old loco


A small but pretty dam near an informal settlement near Tarlton



Near Orient Hills just beyond the Tarlton Raceway.


End of the road for us â?? the road ended in this cutting,


From there to Wickers (where the Italian lady I fell in love with a while ago was NOT there ) and then home via van Gaalenâ??s Cheese Factory.

On Saturday GundaGunda called me up and asked if I would like to join him in a bit of pathfinding.
Of course! We'll meet up at his place and cruise through to Krugersdorp, and hit the gravel from there.

The ride had barely begun when GundaGunda started thinking about swapping his mode of transport. He
played with this model for a while but I'm glad to say that he decided to stick to the KLE. Apparently
this one does not handle going off track very well, and the miles were a bit high.
First photo is Gunda in an old steam locomotive.

Here's a few of my steed in the company of the big boys.


GundaGunda taking it easy in first class!

Gunda's steed, waiting to see if the master will trade it in for a bigger engine.

Once on the road again we came upon some more railway engines parked willy nilly next to the road.
This was was a coal hauler, now sadly going to pieces.

The two bikes taking a quick rest at what was supposed to be a swamp but turned out to be a nice
dam with some locals playing in it.

And of course some light refreshment after a busy morning of fun!

Thanks to Gunda for organizing.
And thanks to Leon for putting up with all the mis-plotting and u-turns.

The much-edited GPS track if someone would like to re-trace.


  • KrugMagaliesRailway_edited.zip
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Note that old crane-carriage in the background there, those things were steam driven! I remember when I was an appy Millwright in Salt River Works there was one being overhauled....back then it was already archaic! (no, I'm not THAT old!)

Interesting ride, guys!
EssBee said:
Note that old crane-carriage in the background there,

The were a whole number of wierd things that I had no idea what they were for.

But standing on the footplate I was wondering what it must have been like to be shovelling coal into a roaring fire-box while steaming through the Karoo on a boiling hot day. eish.

And I was complaining about riding a KLE through the Mkomazi valley on a hot day. 
More Research:-

Next train to Magalies is 15Th Feb.

Only Diesel - Steam no longer allowed on "core" routes.

Train leaves JHB station at 09:15 returns mid-afternoon. I'll have to find a route JHB to Krugersdorp - I'm think it will be all-tar.

Stops for lunch at Magaliesburg Hotel - but picnic location only provided - take own lunch.

Eating places (wimpy etc) walking distance at Magalies. That is great 'cos if we put family/SWAMBO/HWAMBO on the train we can ride out along the track and have a late brekkie with them at Magalies. 

My track is not quite correct. The train tracks split just outside Krugersdorp and then converge 4Kms further - Leon and I were on the wrong track for about  4Kms. (Leon, that bit where people had dumped garbage)  I intend to re-ride and fix this. 

A question folks - what goes faster, a train with a diesel on a track or a bike hugging service and back roads along the way?

I suppose it depends on bike and rider, and how often and for how long the train stops.
Gunda, just don't forget about the water features along the way. I wonder what the other guests at Wickers thought of us drying our socks after the ride.

What I mean is, if there has been rain, the going might be slow if there are newbies in the group. The road is smooth and easy to ride, but mud and watercrossing (which we forgot to mention), is something different.
Nice report, well done!

That loco depot at Millsite (siding's name) has been there yonkers.  In 80s the loco's were still in good nick, but since all valuables (brass fittings etc.) were stripped.  My first vac job was at Randfontein Estates Gold Mine.  Being a Capie (then, now a proper Vaalie), I arrived in Jhb with an AA road map and a vague sense of direction.  Took train to Luipaardsvlei stn (last one before Kdp), and got out.  Humped my backpack, squinted at the sun and the map, and made a beeline through some mielie fields.  Walked almost right up to the mine offices' gate! Start of a very varied, fun and challenge filled career...
roxenz said:
Nice report, well done!

My first vac job was at Randfontein Estates Gold Mine. 

I also worked on Estates (Cooke shaft) & Western Areas and Elsburg during that period. I was with JCI '76 - '82.

Stayed in the mine's "Single Quarters" in Randfontein and out at Hillshaven.

But that area is changed - could not recognise it at all.
Something different. Very interesting ride! Good stuff! 8)
Nice one GG and leondude  :thumleft:

Trailing one day i also came out at these trains, not sure if it is the same place, but they have a museum there.
Loved just looking at them them and wondering how life was then  ;D
bmad said:
Nice one GG and leondude  :thumleft:

Trailing one day i also came out at these trains, not sure if it is the same place, but they have a museum there.
Loved just looking at them them and wondering how life was then  ;D

Yes. There is a museum there at S26 07.740 E27 43.587 (marked on MapSource), but the old loco shunting yard is about a Km away on the same property.

The train trips are orgnized from there - the number is 011 885 1154, but the recording on the answering machine says they are not open but will be "back in the new year".

Been trying to get hold of them to plan a "chase the train" ride on 15 Feb.
Uninvited said:
Nice un, how defiante the 15th ride with?
Could see bikes blocking train track?!

Hee Hee.

KLE vs Diesel Loco is hardly a fair fight at a level crossing.

Still scheming if a "chase the train" ride is feasable.

Personally I like the idea, but I see it as family thing - put the family on the train (armed withn the family cooler-box) , go chase the train on the service road, and then meet up in Magalies.

I need to clear the idea with the train folk, although I can't see them having too much of an issue unless someone with noisy pipes wants to disturb the passengers all the way.

I still dont know who goes faster. I know when I raced the steam train on a bicycle years ago we had to do about 15Km further to make it a fair fight, but we cycled on tar. 

The booking office is not open yet.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2nd exploratory ride <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I was not totally happy with my GPS  track for the “chase the train” ride and persuaded Ganjora to take a ride out with me to test the “urban” bit from Maraisburg (where the train leaves from) to Krugersdorp as well as a few alternative tracks closer to the train tracks.

I am pleased we did test the first bit as there are a few places where MapSource is wrong and we also managed to find a few gravel service roads that are not shown.

The alternative routes I wanted to test did not work out and we ended up riding through some pretty tough bits of veld with no track and shoulder-high grass. At one point I dropped my front wheel into a donga, and if I had been going double the speed (2 kph instead of 1kph) I think I would have been damn difficult to get the bike out. Luckily the bashplate got stuck with the front wheel hanging over the edge and Ganjora and I were able to get it back out..

A couple of pics.

The station where the train leaves from. 


Rode through the old train depot and found this on the wall. 


I was in a historical mood, and Ganjoras recuperating knee needed a walk so we left the bikes and went up to see Mzilikazi’s wall on the hill near Orient.


The wall is visible in Google Earth at  S26 1.393 E27 34.491

Legend says that he built the wall to take refuge behind in case Shaka sent an impi to “discipline” him and his impi for deserting the Zulu empire. Shaka had already been murdered by Dingaan by then and so he was never persued. He never returned but went North and settled in Zimbabwe.

Ganjora wondering where all the Zulus went?


