Ride Reports Photo-Swap

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Grey Hound
Jan 10, 2007
Reaction score
Brackenfell, Cape Town
Harley Davidson (all models)

first off, I'm posting this in ride reports, because this is the first place people look to find photos of themselves when they've been riding with fellow Wild Dogs... if this should be somewhere else, Mods, please move it for me!

Here's my plan: we come here to check out the ride reports, and inevitably find kief pics of us on our bikes (or on the ground) - problem is, the pics are small, resized for web... and we can't really always mail the full sized ones to each other, since we're dealing with 3 - 10 megapixel cameras here...

So, I'm thinking of hosting a get-together at my house - perhaps a lekker bring-n-braai. You bring your own meat, booze, and a flash drive / CDs with your hi-res pics from the last couple of rides. I'll make my PC available (got more than enough HD space) and at the start of the braai, everyone copies their pics to the hard drive (with a logical folder structure / naming convention). When everyone's pics are on the drive, okes can take their flash drives and copy off the pics that they want.

Make sense? If you guys think the idea is not totally kak, let me know and I'll start a planning thread!

That sounds doable...

Maybe have more than one PC networked to the same 'source' to make copying faster...

nice idea, awhile some idiot decided to steal my bag, all that he got away with was all my CD with download photos from 2006/07. not much he can with them but have a good laugh but now has left me photoless. All my trip photos and riding pics gone.  :mad:
You guys might want to consider a SmugMug account. Good for linking to ride reports, and you can store your originaly online. It is not free, but I think it is a small price to pay to keep your memories secure. www.smugmug.com Another is Zenfolio: www.zenfolio.com