RIDING the RIFT ~ East Africa 2011

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Finally made the time to finish reading this. Brilliant RR. Thanks for all your "moeite". I loved seeing how you grew into experienced travelers through this trip (imagine redoing that entry into Zim now!) I know you said that you don't realy feel like a better sand rider, but seeing what you had to ride through, I'm very convinced that you now are sand's boss! :thumleft:

And off course, condolences for the death of your mother.
It was a lovely R&R
My mother vpassed away two weeks ago ass well.  We live far away but I was able to see her off to Heaven.
I am sorry for your loss of your mother.
I am selling everything I have property wise and then do a loooong Africa trip with my 650 Dakar and Mercedes Unimog.
To hit 50 and stay at home waiting to get old is not for me. so here I go. Get fit loose weight.
Then off in hopefully two months time.
Reading your R&R stopped me selling the bike. you were my isnsperation.
Thank you Karen and Kingsley and also michnus on his Africa trip with his companion.
Best regards
Dieter from Hoedspruit
I just spent the last 2 days reading this RR on and off between work and so on.
You guys seem to have done the undo-able trip. Big kudo's and well done.
To have gone through so many experiences and still be calm and collected when faced with corrupt border officials and rip-off black market petrol prices, i'm sure takes a truly level headed and non aggressive personality! Not to even mention the sad news of your mom passing away at the end of your trip.
I'm sure it will stay memorable!

I have always thought that i have to do a trip like this and have truly been inspired by your tales.
I am now determined to do a similar trip in the not so very far future.
I really hope that you guys plan on going up to the National bash in Rhodes in Sept so that i can meet you!

Respect!! :thumleft:

BTW - The national bash thread where you can book for the w/e..............20 to 24 Sept
What a ride,thanks for sharing. It is very difficult after such trips to get back into normal routine.  :thumleft:
MOGGIE said:
It was a lovely R&R
My mother vpassed away two weeks ago ass well.  We live far away but I was able to see her off to Heaven.
I am sorry for your loss of your mother.
I am selling everything I have property wise and then do a loooong Africa trip with my 650 Dakar and Mercedes Unimog.
To hit 50 and stay at home waiting to get old is not for me. so here I go. Get fit loose weight.
Then off in hopefully two months time.
Reading your R&R stopped me selling the bike. you were my isnsperation.
Thank you Karen and Kingsley and also michnus on his Africa trip with his companion.
Best regards
Dieter from Hoedspruit

Thx for your reply. So sorry to hear about the loss of your Mom as well. I sure envy your trip.....it does also help the healing process. One does'nt always have the chance to live ones dreams....so  when the opportunity arises one should grab it. Glad to hear you didn't get rid of your bike!
We wish you luck on this trip and hope all goes well.
Take care
Orangeswifty said:
I just spent the last 2 days reading this RR on and off between work and so on.
You guys seem to have done the undo-able trip. Big kudo's and well done.
To have gone through so many experiences and still be calm and collected when faced with corrupt border officials and rip-off black market petrol prices, i'm sure takes a truly level headed and non aggressive personality! Not to even mention the sad news of your mom passing away at the end of your trip.
I'm sure it will stay memorable!

I have always thought that i have to do a trip like this and have truly been inspired by your tales.
I am now determined to do a similar trip in the not so very far future.
I really hope that you guys plan on going up to the National bash in Rhodes in Sept so that i can meet you!

Respect!! :thumleft:

BTW - The national bash thread where you can book for the w/e..............20 to 24 Sept

Thanks so much for your positive feedback.

We hope that you manage to ge a trip like this together sometime......you won't be disappointed. Africa does occasionaly test ones patience and endurance levels but  it is character building and despite these little setbacks it still makes for a wonderful adventure.

We will be going to the Snow Valley Bash next month and look forward to meeting you and others and enjoying a good party.

Have a safe trip there.
michnus said:
What a ride,thanks for sharing. It is very difficult after such trips to get back into normal routine.  :thumleft:

Thanks for your comment Michnus.
I believe that planning a new trip as soon as possible does help with the normal routine. :mwink:
madmax said:
awesome....... i presume you got into tanzania else we wouldnt be reading this  :thumleft:
must say i am loving your report......... need to get rid of mrs and kids and go ride  :bueller:

Take them with
wildside said:
netrom said:
What a trip! did you ever have any bike issues?

Hi netrom. Good to hear from you. The bikes gave very little problems but the mud did take its toll on Kingsleys break pads and mine suffered from a lot of dirt in the airfilter as I always seem to travel in the dust at the back and at one point the filter failed and blocked up the carb - which wasnt a real problem and just needed to be cleaned which we managed to do on the side of the road in Uganda.
Hope you enjoy the rest of the RR - its nearly complete.
Take care

Which shows the importance of a carb driven bike. Klr 650 :ricky:
I probably should not reply as it will be revived again, but i also think it deserves to be revived. They shouldtake this material and the others to schools, and let the kids read this as a book, to show them what awesome life is really there besides phones and video games, but thank you for pointing me in the direction of this report. Absolutely stunning and gutsy performance. Been reading while waiting for your updates on the circle one. I still believe, a movie or documentary can be made from this. Awesome. Waiting for the rest of the circle  report

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