I've sold my road bike, so selling the road gear:
- RST, size M, R500, good condition Sold
-KBC, size XS, R900, very good condition, still in box. (Wife's helmet, used 3 or 4 times) Sold
Jacket with padding, size 42 L, R600 Sold
Oasis Rainsuit, size L, R900, very good condition, jacket and pants in carry bag Sold
-Prorider, size XS, R100 (like new) Sold
- AMA, size 10 L, R100 Sold
- Winter gloves, size 10 L, R80 Sold
- Fingerless gloves, size L, R50 Sold
Daytona boots, size 7 (I think), R200 well used, plastic on back of heels perished, but still have some life in them.
Based in southern suburbs of Cape Town.
Can also Whatsapp: 0 eight two three nine three six two four eight - Adrian
Daytona boots, size 7 (I think), R200 well used, plastic on back of heels perished, but still have some life in them.
Based in southern suburbs of Cape Town.
Can also Whatsapp: 0 eight two three nine three six two four eight - Adrian

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