Saam Sweet en swem in die Swartland

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Race Dog
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
Cape Toon - TransAlp XL650V 2004
Honda NC750X
We met at the Whinelands 1 Sotp at 08:00, where we filled tanks and Nicky led us to the Slent road where we found that the little thatched structure had been moved.

I had caused a minor stir as I was suddenly not accounted for as I stopped to get a few pelicans to pose for a pic. Not every day I get to see such majestic creatures, but they all declined to sign an autograph.



Meanwhile at the fans Nicky was preparing to give me a good talking to and Andreâ?? was taking notes.

Vowing to tow the toe line we went to visit three sisters.




Andreâ??s bike liked it so much here it decided to do a headstand, much to the embarrassment of itâ??s owner.



We rode the Porselain road with me as sweeper and a very good job I did, sweeping all the dust onto my visor. We then popped with a loud bang that sounded like a shot as we turned into Ribeeck Kasteel, into a nifty restaurant for brunch. Said restaurant is one of those that move around apparently as the sign says that for the next few days they will be nearby but that thereafter it will not be so close.


As we sat â?? them appraising the fine coffee â?? me appraising the fine bottled water of excellent vintage, the air was filled with the familiar sound of an orange object approaching from the vines. Said orange was ridden by none other then Temmic the poison pusher, who was accompanied by a fine young chap on a motorcycle. We chatted to the friendly Temmic while the two gentlemen from anywhere but Verona earnestly engaged in devouring a pheasant breakfast â?? a pleasant pheasant indeed.


It was by now becoming quite warm and I insisted on letting my trousers down despite the fact that there were ladies at the next table, but they did not seem to notice.

With the sun warming us we made our newly breakfasted way around the Ribeeksriver road and on to the Malmesbury â?? Moorreesburg road which had its moments a la Andreâ??.

In Moorreesburg some of us re-fuelled and we entered the spar like a bunch of â??you-know-whatsâ? to obtain liquid refreshment and sat out the back where the locals often do, refreshing ourselves. No â?? we did not make our selves heard and broke no bottles. I personally was tempted to break into song but thought the better of it â?? itâ??s a vice you know!

Thereafter we got our hot bodies into out hot ATTGAT and onto our sizzling bikes and made a bee line for the Misverstand dam. Damn! The tar stretch was hot. For the first time in my life I actually CLOSED my visor to keep COOL.

The lady at the gate took charge and wanted us to leave our trusty steeds in the cool shade by the gate and wanted to charge us R70.00 PER HEAD entry fee! Thatâ??s a lot of money considering the TA is a V twin, the GS is a twin flat and the KLE also is a twin so we each had at least two heads â?? ahem! We said we just wanted a quick look around and she turned all friendly â?? bidding us to take a walk! â?? to the bar for a liter of lovely cold water. In the Pool room it was magnificently cool and we drank deep deciding to go to the dam wall for a dip.


Retrieving our now cooler chrome enhanced rides we bid the gate keeper and the lady fond farewells and made for the dam wall were some of us stripped down for a cooling swim


while I on the other hand â?? being shy of nature â?? just dropped my trousers and partook in a cooling but forceful shower.



I was also able to debunk the myth of the hairy biker.


Some of us managed to swim in all of three feet of water.




But were disturbed by King Nupchoon who chooned us grief.


We did not go far to the bridge and stopped in the sparse shade for a snap or two of the bridge when I indicated that the heat was getting to me in a big way and that I wished to prostrate my weary over-warm body on a patch of shady lawn I had spied. The others were hesitant but when they saw a cow walking on the water of the river they needed minimal convincing.


It was not long that we tarried in the shade on the lawn that we had some trouble with tribbles. At first the emissary approached with the necessary dignity and caution as is dictated by protocol but soon was scratching its fleas in our midst. Soon another specimen arrived and before you could say maltese poodle backwards we were surrounded by three of that species all scratching at their fleas and breathing their doggy breath at us in welcoming fashion.

Feeling that this was indeed worse than the heat, we made for the Total garage in Piketberg and further liquid refreshment. Andre had to duck back home so we left him there pomping. â?? his tyres that is for the tarry journey while Nicky and I high tailed it for Halfmanshof.

On the way there we noted and enticing little road that may or may not have been the one alluded to by said Temmic.


Consulting the map Nicky conjured up visions of 24 River crossings which at that hot time sounded cool so we went in search of said places.


What we did find was a locked gate so we consulted a cyclist who just happened to be cycling on his bicycle in the direction we were aimed at. He explained that we could go along the train line and some other garbled stuff which I did not quite grasp but Nicky felt that he had understood so off we went on a tangent, well actually not quite a tangent, more like a lemon. The road turned into a track which crossed the railway line and just sort of lost track of itself. We debated whether we would ride on the railway line across the bridge but it could be hard going and we did not know what was on the other side of the railway bridge. All I knew was that I was extremely hot/bordering on heat gazaustion and not up to walking any distance in the heat, let alone walking my bike along a railway track so I promptly laid an egg. I chickened out and we retraced out tracks to Halfmanshof.


I must have been delirious because I saw this sign and it was far from any water â?? believe me.


Of the ride back to Riebeeck-wes I  remember very little, other than we stopped at the bridge for a breather. At the Spar in Riebeeck I purchased a liter of their finest cold water and an ice cream. The ice creams we devoured even before we left the premises and under the shady tree where I parked I absorbed at least 750ml of the water in one gulp â?? steam issuing from all my ears. I poured cold water down my back and front inside my jacket and on my head and soon felt more human.

From there we tarred it all the way home â?? it becoming cooler as I approached the N1 and my shower.

Thanks Nicky and Andre for the interesting and enjoyable ride and I look forward to seeing the pics.
Good to see a full ride report from you here Droff. :cool: :mrgreen:

Well written and the humor is top-notch! :lol:

Thanks droffie for the piccies, my camera is on holiday with the fam already.

It was a nice ride, just a pity it was so hot. I think it must have been 33-35 degrees, as I checked Paarl and Malmesbury temps when we got home, and they said 33 and 35 degrees at 17:00. The air was so hot, it burnt my face, so I had to keep the visor on first notch.

That swim was refreshing, although the water was shallow and murky and the bottom just rocks. I just kept the tshirt wet and it acted as an aircon for a little while.

It was also nice to bump into Temic at the Pleasant Pheasant, he'll have to show us some more roads next time.

Thanks for the company guys. :thumbsup:
Nice meeting you guys! Give me a pm when you're heading this way again.
Nice one Droffarc! 8)

It was 41 yesterday and 40 the day before here in Wellington. Too hot to ride, even with my new Richa summer jacket. Went for a little spin this morning over Bainskloof - nice and early. Kalabash not open till 10am! WTF!

We really should go for a ride...
Welcome back my friends, to the show that never end, leave your hammers at the box, come inside, come inside. We've got thrills and shocks.....

At last spareing no effoert and at great expanse here are the pics taken by Xerys - his captions and mine:


Nah! too complicated - I was akshully memorising 1. pull in the clutch 2. press down on da gear lever 3. umm? wot do I do nex?


Dunno who dis De-la-ry is but I reckonize some of da Posse - wantid ded or a live.


Drie Susters
Looks more like free brudders


comment not found/comment deleted/redo from start


"Duh, can I let my pants down now pleeze"


Der three stooges - Moegou, Hotou and Nikou.








Das terrible tribbles

PS any comments welcomed - complaints will be ignored  >:D
droffarc said:
Welcome back my friends, to the show that never end, leave your hammers at the box, come inside, come inside. We've got thrills and shocks.....

What's this mutha? Giving away your age with Emerson Lake & Palmer I believe. Lekker report, Drof