Sissy Ride to Magaliesburg – dirt is still fun, even in a cage

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OK – it was supposed to be a NON sissie ride.  It turned out to be the sissy ride of the decade.  Apart from 2 bikes (DB9 and Redone) everyone was in a cage.

The morning started out with heavy thunderstorms in the Centurion area  :mad: :mad:.    I decided NOT to be a sissie and to start dressing.  New little nifty Airflow suit and all – you know.  The bike was serviced, new tyres, new chain and sprocket, the tutti.  It was all for nothing.

As I was trying to zip the pant and jackets together it started coming down in buckets and the husband informed me kindly that there will be no riding for me.  Miena Moo decided come hell or serious storms, she is going riding.  Scruffy let me know she is bailing out, so Miena would have been the only girl on her bike.  Groenie, D7 and the little doglings would follow in the Bospadda.

At this stage we knew it would be us, the Groenie family, D7, redone and DB9 who will wait at the SPAR in Magaliesburg.

After frantic SMS’s and phone calls to the cellphone numbers I had, Stephan, me and the daughter set out for a day in country.  Less that a kilometre from home – SMS – Stofkoei died.

Oorlede Stofkoei.


We sympathised at set of to see if someone pitched at the Total and went on from there to Magaliesburg to meet DB9.

At last all the wilddogs together…. 2 bikes, the Bospadda and Stephan’s Tank. 


Off we went.

Redone and Bospadda in action.


After that we left the Multipla at a garage and all of us piled into the Tank.

The road close to the Derby turnoff.  We picked up DB9 sunglasses for him at the turn-off.


Stephan piloting the Tank.


We banned D7 right to the back end of the car.  He had fun anyway.  “Pappa Smurf, how far must we still go?”  At least a dozen times.


A surprise was waiting for us at DB9’s place.  Lourens.dL and his wife were waiting for us there.  Stunning bike with the biggest bash plate any one of us have ever seen.  It is a monster.  He kept completely quiet about the fact that it was his birthday – the dark horse.  A belated congrats, Lourens.  May there be many more.

A little motorbike was waiting for us at the table at DB9’s place. 


All in all a nice day.  DB9 thanks for the invite.  We are all jealous about your place.  Please pass on our compliments to the chef.  I had a wonderful brunch.

PS:  Miena Moo phoned.  Stofkoei just wanted to stand in the sun for the day.  She’s fine now and ready for the Bash.  Lucky COW.  Lastly, did I mention anywhere that the sun started shining on us before we got to the Total and that we had a wonderful clear sunny day the whole day??

I got up early this morning while the rest(Groenie and D7) was still sleeping. Got dressed when the heavens opened.
Redone arrived and we decided to still take the bikes. Rain suites on we hit the road. As we went around the corner my bike just cut out. :eek: :-[

When I tried to start it, the oil light stayed on and there was nothing.We checked all the fuses,oil level was fine just one dead BMW. Pushed the bike back home and jumped in the car.

We met up with Red and Stephan in Magalies.
Here is some pics taken in the Tank.




D7 and Red's daughter




The Twins(Gatvol)


The road (Which we did by cage  :-[ )

This afternoon I thought let me phone BMW but before I do that lets just try to start the bike.
Started first time. Something must have gotten wet when I washed the bike on Saturday. Needless to say I was not happy with the lazy cow. ;D Almost upgraded to an KLR........... ;D ;D
Nice meeting all of you!  We will surely get together in the future and maybe actually ride together!  Thanks for the birthday wishes.
I was a great ride, apart from the poor bike turnout, but hats off to Stephan for keeping up in his tank. Am currently at the airport waiting for a delayed flight to Zambia, next time I'll take my KLR, I could have been half way to Beit Bridge by now.....