Snell rating could be bad for your head!

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Please see this link;

It is a long read but please try and stick with it, you will be glad you did. For those of you with ADD let me give you the very abbreviated version.
Tests were conducted that proved, the rigidity of the Snell rated helmet shell, transmits too much energy to the brain in a collision and may actually cause a head injury.
The DOT and EC standards although not as rigid as Snell are actually better.

This made me quite sad as the top brands like Shoei and Arai use the Snell rating as their bible.

Since this article was published Snell have actually admitted that their rating is incorrect and are in the process of releasing their 2010 rating system. For now though I would suggest staying away from the Snell rated helmets in favour of those with the DOT, EC or SHARP rating.

I myself am considering replacing my beloved Shoei with a Shark lid. Shark are to be commended as they are one of the leaders in adopting the new less rigid shell construction and many experts believe their 'crumple zone' technology is the best there is at present.

I hope this gets you all thinking


p.s. This has been posted in other forums as well