Soft Panniers - how to attach properly

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May 30, 2008
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My wife invested in a set of Kappa pannier rails and TK 714 (I think) soft bags for my Dakkie for my Chinese birthday.

The rails were very easy to fit and look the bomb. But I am a bit stuck on how the bags go on for best results.

Firstly, if I fit them logically with the larger end at the front, like I can see in pictures of them, the flap on the top will face forward and there is only a strip of velcro holding it closed so it seems it would make sense to fit them "back wards" with the open end facing the back.

Secondly they seem to be more stable if I put the straps that go across the bike under the top bar of the rail then over the seat as it seems to pull the bag to the frame i.e not just hanging over it.

Then the straps themselves, do they go under the seat or over it. During my many hours of experiments yesterday I found that if the front strap goes under the seat the the rear strap goes right over the tail piece, the straps are both away from the zorsts, even if it looks a bit funny.

Then does one just have a heap of cable ties or something to hold the panniers to the rails along the bottom or sides. Thats the only thing I could see that would work, besides obviosly strapping the whole lot to each other with other straps.

I would appreciate any advise.
