Pack Dog
AGV AX-8 Dual Evo Helmet - Large
Bought this helmet exactly one month ago (16 Aug), and decided to get a Shoei instead as this helmet doesn't fit me properly. (Helmet is packed away in box and not being used)
It doesn't have a scratch on it and comes in the original box, with the bag, a dark visor and the original clear visor (unused), booklets, visor clips, and a sticker still included.
I paid just over R8000 for the helmet with the dark visor, and would be willing to let it go for R5999.
Bought this helmet exactly one month ago (16 Aug), and decided to get a Shoei instead as this helmet doesn't fit me properly. (Helmet is packed away in box and not being used)
It doesn't have a scratch on it and comes in the original box, with the bag, a dark visor and the original clear visor (unused), booklets, visor clips, and a sticker still included.
I paid just over R8000 for the helmet with the dark visor, and would be willing to let it go for R5999.