Spending some time with Dad

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Hey Wes,

A great initiative that every son should one day experience with his Dad.

My dad passed away when I was 13 so when I read stories like this, it makes me pleased that you're doing things together while you are together.

Good on yer!

Earlier this week, I mentioned to my dad he should take my bike for spin. He said the last time he was on a bike was in the 70's!! I think it's going to take some work to get him to ride with me.....
Not really, I've seen him checking out MM's Stofkoei.
it's true. shameful but true. and boy can he handle that bike! he still knows how... pity i can't get him to buy one
My son and I share rides together. Last Sunday he landed with a puncture while I fell off in the dirt. My son is the one with the blue pants.

We share the same intrest such as photography, riding and music. We're hoping to do a long trip togerther sometime next year.

Yip, it's great when one can share with one's son's.

The two forefront bikes (Dakars) our ours.


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Hi Wes that is great I am trying to get my son to buy a bike  :)
WEs , for sure , special memories.

My dad is a bit old for that (83 and body not in shape for it) . However, last year some few months after I bought my Vara, I took him for a short ride.  AFter that the stories came out.  He rode a Red Indian in the North AFrican sand during WWII.  Had a BMW with side car  whilst doing duty in another place.  Other types...... WHen he ride pillion that day with me, it was the first time he rode as a passenger on a bike.

Wes, it would be super if you can get your dad to do it more with you.
Very nice Wes. :thumleft: I wish I could still go riding with my dad. :(
Wel done Wes!  Respect!

My dad taught me to ride when I was 5, he ran next to me on a Yamaha Mini Enduro....the rest is history, I have never been without a bike since then.

My dad was 47 yrs older than me, so, we almost never rode together.  However, I started young and have 3 boys that will surely be riding with me on long rides once they have their licenses.  For the moment they all ride illegally with me on dirt roads.  That is a priviledge, I tell you!
That is Priceless and those moments will be forever cherished on both sides :) :)

very cool dude, just read this report

you gonna treasure this one for a long long time.....