I bought my 2009 spec gs1200 about 3 weeks ago. 30000km on clock. Very well looked after. I had service done on 30400km. The oil level was at the top of glass. Checked it once more at same level after about 1000km. I hit a sandpatch on Sunday and dropped the bike at slow speed on its side. It idled for a couple of seconds on its side before i could get to the kill switch. It remained on its side for about 10 minutes before i got it upright again. It then struggled three or four times to start, but did. I drove it back home about 200km. Engine sounded ok and no power loss. I have however noticed that the oil level dropped to halfway between full and half when i got home. (didn't check it after the drop)
The question is: Could the engine have been damaged from idling on its side or was the missing oil burnt away as it was in a vertical position for some time?
The question is: Could the engine have been damaged from idling on its side or was the missing oil burnt away as it was in a vertical position for some time?