Swaziland at its best! Game riding on a GS before?

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Hey JM - hoe gaan dit daar in Gauteng - het julle darem ook so bietjie pret op die teerpaaie tussen die "skyscrapers" deur. Kan jy glo - my buddie Ettiene koop nou jul ou huis in Lost Trail waar jy gebly het op skool ... twee eienaars terug het ek die flat gehuur onder ... kom kuier bietjie in die Slowveld - join ons vir 'n trippie Swazi of Maputu toe. Liewer eendag 'n leeu as 'n duisend jaar 'n skaap .. gaan groot ou!

Back then that house was listed as the biggest in Nelspruit.

Well, my parents had to make a plan with the 8 kids. :eek:

I park my bike in that traalie contraption between the two rooms down below. We 3 brothers stayed down stairs.

Cool hey - thats where i stayed and in those days i sommer had a "boskombuis" downstairs. Enjoy ya day! Say hallo to your folks and Ansa.