Tales from the backcountry

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Jan 30, 2006
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It was high time for another ride, my bike has been standing for three months and needed a good outing to get the juices flowing. Redrider and Dirtwarp signed in, we were ready to go. It was dry, I mean no rain in about 6 months dry. But the riding was great as ever, being out on the bike was a blessing.


All the bikes ran great, we had two punctures - a BRP ploughing some river sand and a 525 cart wheeling down a stoney track but all brushed those little incidents aside. No fences and tracks all over, live life and ride.


Even in the driest place you will find beauty, life goes on. Two of the bikes ran 25L tanks, I had a small stock one. Between us we had plenty of range.



First of many riverbeds, this particular one has become something of a tradition. It also signals the start of a thorny path ahead, luckily this day we navigated through most of them without being ripped up too bad - except Redrider who went tripping without a jacket .... eina



I stopped and snapped the scene, in the distance I could hear a jackal. On the other side a deserted farmhouse from yesteryear, irrigation canals ran into the nearby field. Some greenery here and there but nothing for the cattle to get exited about.


Lunch time, eggs with Aromat - I settled for some bananas and pilchards. The darn phone also got signal and offcourse multiple missed calls flooded through."I'm on leave today"
My bike was using gas at a rate of knots - 10km/l ! Finally figured out my fuel screw mixture was two and a half turns out instead of 1 and a half. As it was slow going the pilot circuit kept gulping all the fuel.


Redrider piloting the XR out the side of a riverbed, I took another line and ended up navigating some thorn bushes - darn ! Dirtwarp helped by pushing and pulling, pretty funny pic for some reason. Dirtwarp escaped unscathed without a face full of roost :)



Jissem dis lekker ryplek die manne


Checking the GPS, yes definetly that way.



Some way off the track into the veld I spotted this Baobab, what a beauty. I had to ride closer for a picture. Wish I could have stayed longer. I like taking in as much as I can , sitting down and watching the birds whatever it's great - saw plenty of hornbills. Doing over 300km's of fairly technical stuff in one day makes it hard. One section we did about 6km in two hours.




Our stop for the night would be stealth camping somewhere in the bush, pretty cool. Made sure we had plenty of beer, meat and water to last the night - in that order offcourse. Having to carry a six pack in his backpack did not deter Redrider one bit - good on ya mate !

What a bike, some say you can only race it. Well it took me with my limited skills and luggage over some testing stuff without breaking a sweat. We did close on a 1000km, 90% dirt.




Dirtwarp making short work of this riverbed, it's like Dewildt without all the other bikes :) Redrider in hot pursuit.



Night was falling and the thorns from earlier made their appearance, flat wheel on the KTM. Redrider decided it was time for a beer. I joined in and snapped what looked like a lilly to me (well with the camera you see not literally ... fark it's late to post a meaningfull sentence). Beautifull.



Found a suitable spot to set up camp, it was a tough day but rewarding - some lekker riding. Time to chill, kick back and enjoy mother nature and the company of some good friends. Many tales followed from the days ride, does not get better than this.




Next day would take us north with some interesting bits to follow.


To continue

Next day we climbed out the valley, rocky corners to negotiate. We followed the Mafefe ivory route trail, looks like a 4 x 4 track. Eventually the track dropped down into Mafefe and past the small towns of Gemini and Fertillis.



Place of worship - Mafefe


The valley below was quite spectacular, everything seemed at peace. We did encounter one Sasko bread van drving like it was doing a rally stage special. The guy was almost going sideways around the one corner.


Some more baobab's through a village we stopped at for some cooldrinks.


Seriously thinking about taking a dip, water looked mighty fine.


Once before we attempted Orri Pass via Lelgalameetse but from the eastern side but could not get access. From the west you ride up the most difficult part all the way to the reserve gate. Once there they most likely feel to sorry to send you back. The pass itself is beautifull, the road snakes up the mountain side and even with not alot of greenery it was a privelage to ride it. Just keep your line and stay away from the edge.

Lekgalameetse Nature Reserve is an 18 000 hectare nature reserve in Limpopo's Wolkberg Mountains, near the town of Tzaneen.

Its name means 'place of water' and some important Limpopo rivers have their source in these scenic mountains. There is water all year round here, with many rivers, streams, waterfalls and rock pools.

Lekgalameetse Nature Reserve has thick indigenous forests, grassy mountain slopes and towering peaks and krantzes. In the forests you'll see Outeniqua trees, lemonwoods, yellowwoods, Cape beech and wild peach. The mountain slopes have flaming acacia trees with white blossoms in spring and red pods in summer.

In late summer, this Limpopo nature reserve attracts swarms of colourful butterflies, and many lepidopterists too. Birders come here to spot forest-dwelling species such as the Cape parrot, chorister robin, green twinspot, black-fronted bush shrike, Barrat's warbler and the famously furtive Narina trogon. The nature reserve is also home to assorted antelope, baboons and vervet and samango monkeys.




Once at the gate we signed in and got some water right from the mountain to fill the backpacks. Tasted damn good !


I believe this part was called "The Downs" or at least the old name anyway, big country with a good gravel road. I'm sure even a family sedan will be able to enjoy this part of the reserve. Against the mountain side some Zebra's and what looked like Eland were grazing quite happily.


Very nice!  :thumleft:

Are those tracks on public lands and is there any chance you can share the GPS tracks? Ta
Beatiful Area that, sub :ricky:
We were now heading for the next fuel stop, another riverbed lay ahead but water was getting low. It was about 25km to the next shop. The section had sand sections but as soon as you got on top of that a bunch of rocks blocked the way, navigate that and youy could build up speed again.



Day 2 was coming to an end, the dirt road leading to Heanertsburg could be seen below. To get to it Dirtwarp and Redrider decided to ride down a mountain. Halfway down they had to turn around, being the wise one I stayed at the top and had a good view of a XR650 being wrestled on a mountain side :) As always the camera flattens it out, trust me it was steep ! One mirror and sidestand spring was lost in the drama that followed.


We decided on the sensible route, the valley was much cooler and the going easier. We followed a track that ran on top of the escarpment close to Marong. We also stopped at Thabina dam, it is quite isolated. If you had to put a boat on it or try your luck at fishing you would surely be the only person there.




Had a tasty burger at the Iron Crown, just the way we needed to finish day 2.
Gooi daai foto waar ons bo in Wolkberg op ge-eindig het!
Ek kon dit nie oor my hart kry om deur daardie area te ry met my bike nie.. eks seker 'n 100 baby seals sou gesterf het iewers.
beautiful area great report very ruffffffffff toppies from P E prefer smooth roads

thanks for the great photo,s and sharing
beautiful area great report very ruffffffffff toppies from P E prefer smooth roads

thanks for the great photo,s and sharing
dirtWarp said:
Gooi daai foto waar ons bo in Wolkberg op ge-eindig het!
Ek kon dit nie oor my hart kry om deur daardie area te ry met my bike nie.. eks seker 'n 100 baby seals sou gesterf het iewers.
Thanks To the organizer and the trip planner ,and Thanks a Million to Runner for getting my bike ready in time   :thumleft:
It was very spesial seeing the "vaal ribbok "trotting off as we stopped on the verge of the wolkberg   :thumleft:
Yip all the afkak made for some realy spesial views .Without bitter you can not have sweet  :lamer:

:thumright: :thumright: :thumright: :thumright:
Last night we had the luxury of a shower and soft bed, the view from the veranda was not bad either. I caught the re run of the Springbok match just in time to see Lambie land the winning penalty  8)



Rode up towards the cemetry at Haenertsburg, nice view of the town from up there.


In one of the side streets there is a small monument with some remnants of the last Long Tom cannon. The barrel measured 4.2 m. More info :

In 1897 the Zuid-Afrikaansche Republic, who was at war with Great Britain, bought four 155 mm Creusot French field guns, 4,000 common shells, 4,000 shrapnel shells and 800 case shots. These Creusot canons were called Long Tom guns. The guns were used in battles at Ladysmith, Mafeking, Kimberley and Bergendal. When the Boers' ammunition for the guns were finished, they were destroyed to prevent them from falling into British hands. The last canon was destroyed near Lydenburg, about 100Km (in a straight line) southeast from Haenertsburg.


Then the search started to enter Donkerkloof , it was there just before us but no visible track that led into the kloof. The only option was a pretty daunting riverbed, it was too late in the day and we had no choice but to ride around the kloof to finish the trip. Looking at Google Earth now the only visible entrance sits on the southern side of the kloof.




The last bit consisted of some sandy bits that looked a lot like the Baja of Mexico. From here it was pretty easy going and another great trip came to an end. Lets start planning the next one  :thumleft:

Definitief op die agenda.  Was nou n baie lekker lees.  Baie dankie

(NS: Gedink Cobus het verskuilde agenda gehad ;))
MY Bike het klomp goed gekort om lamg trip aan te pak ,en nie geweet wanneer hy sou reg wees  :ricky:
MY Bike het klomp goed gekort om lamg trip aan te pak ,en nie geweet wanneer hy sou reg wees  :ricky:
Ja dit was n close call met die service maar jy het dit gemaak  :ricky:
dirtWarp said:
Gooi daai foto waar ons bo in Wolkberg op ge-eindig het!
Ek kon dit nie oor my hart kry om deur daardie area te ry met my bike nie.. eks seker 'n 100 baby seals sou gesterf het iewers.


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Nice manne, ek is bly daar kom 'n bietjie RR's van daai deel van die land baie mooi en dankie vir report. :thumleft:
Good one

Looks like some awesome riding country

Jacques, hoekom upload jy nie RedRider se GoPro footage van Penge's pass nie?
Dink die ouens sal like om dit te sien!
dirtWarp said:
Jacques, hoekom upload jy nie RedRider se GoPro footage van Penge's pass nie?
Dink die ouens sal like om dit te sien!
Movie Maker bombs out, hopefully by tomorrow