The Bash Trip via Lesotho

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Lesotho is clearly a beautiful rugged country and the photos you took illustrates that very well.

shark_za said:
Thats coming.
Different but as good as the way there, mega drama and setbacks. Character building. ;)

Look forward to reading about it.
Excellent so far - can't wait to read the rest!
Thanks shark!

I can never get enough of Lesotho reports - I must make a plan to go myself
Day 3 - Bash Day

I went to bed around 1am on the friday night, hakkiesdraad and beer were flowing. So was whisky I think, thanks Bud500. OR was that saturday ;) it all fades.
During the night we were treated to a little rain storm, I'm glad I have a good quality Italian tent, I was dry and comfy.

The next morning a few of us went for breakfast at Ninas, pretty good food.
I was not planning on doing any riding but bud500 convinced me to join him for a short ride. As he says it was even shorter as we got to the turn off to the 4x4 track I went onto reserve. Doh.
245km on a full tank, thats pretty hectic fuel consumption considering that the last 200km from Lesotho over Lundeans neck only took 10 liters.
This was a good 18-19 liters on 245.

We were riding into a strong wind, all WOT.

So we turned around and went and had a look at the Madonna and Child water fall.

Nice steps, how bad could it be?

A few rocks, the SG10's will stop me from twisting any ankles, what a win.
It is quite something to see, nature at its finest.
Some people in the shot to give the scale.  And as letgofishing reported, the dutch girls at the bottom were all in Bikini's!



After the treck back up the valley I was fooked. Went back to the camp and napped till at least 5. That sorted out the mean hakkiedraad hangover .

The food and the prizes, read elsewhere, thanks to the people who bought stuff on the auction, it helps keep this forum going!

No pics but I probably left at just about the right time considering my ride back the next day. MJ , Kilroy, Michnus etc kept me there for a final binder or 3.

Day 4 - lets head home

I was a slow starter on the sunday, coffee from Oppad, watching Porra leave, etc, these all took more interest than actually packing up and leaving myself. In the end I eventually gave in and was ready to roll at 8. I bombed the spare 5L I carried on the bike to get me to the next town and we headed out to Kieskammahoek on the road bud500 also rode.
This is come of the scenery in this part of the old bantustan the Ciskei where Hogsback fell under.


From there is was Stutterheim then towards Tsomo.
The terrain varied a bit, some was tight, some a bit more open and we could hit around 120-140kph on the dirt.

The route took us through some game reserve, some scenic places, we were now in the old Transkei area.


We did a short bit of tar from Tsomo to the turn onto dirt that would take us to Cala.
In fact this whole route featured very little tar at all.

Somewhere in the mountains before Cala we came across this fellow biker. Come on scooters are cool.
Speaking to him he said it was a little pap but he needs a Leo Vince pipe and rollers for his variator!

After Cala it was Elliot, this little bit was tar, then tar to Maclear.
Leaving the back end of Maclear we hit dirt again, quite rough in places but super scenic and fun to ride.
We didnt take the direct route to Mount Fletcher, instead we headed towards Rhodes to ride up and down the Naudes Nek pass.
This was well worth the detour.

Along the way.  Still scenic and great fun to ride on.

Naudes Nek


We got to Mount Fletcher and then just reached Matatiele and my ass could not take any more. We got a chalet at the caravan park and hit one of the two gourmet establishments, we chose Chicken Licken over KFC.
Riding a bike is good for the soul! Hot wings and I was sorted. Showered, a beer or two, plans were made to get up at 5 to make the Lesotho border by 8 and we crashed. 