The Chronicles of the 2010 EC Bash

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Ha ha ha Now all the keyboard ninjas are arriving. Why not write I slap you!

Now there are allot of clever people arround. Why didnt any of you go over there when the reving took place and sort the "oke" out.

Gromit said:
Strys said:
Hi there to all that attended the bash.Thanks for a great weekend.And especially for those I kept awake, I would like to apologise.But really guys, why so cowardly drive 800km's and wait till you get home to complain.And comparing to last year's bash, (spinning a motorbike on a barcounter, throwing chainlube cans in an open fire with people around), GET REAL!
And for those of you that feel I should get banned over something silly like this, please don't hesitate and please don't feel bad, because I won't.

You should of just stopped after the "I would like to apologise"
Just suck up the crits mate & keep quiet on this one. Yes the Bashes can be very different & it depends on location...this in terms of burnouts. Limiting late at night just plain sucks...ask AntonW & Mark Hardy! lol
Hey Watty
Great bash                          :3some:
Thanks for all the effort          :thumleft:
Gotta do it again next year    :ricky:
I was not at the bash, and now sorry. Like to ask; what is a "bash"? From previous reports I got a distinct feeling that a degree of gaaning aan was accepted, even encouraged! Burn-outs on barcounters, etc. Now it seems to me that the only problem was that the venue was chosen too up-market,
you are just bikers after all! Like someone has already pointed out, stop the culprit WHILE in action, fat help to wait till it's quiet to rush out and try make an impression. I like all the photos and goodtimes vibe about this thread, now stop whining. Thank you.
bradleys said:
Last years bash was not at a fancy grassed lodge with lots of wild animals roaming around.You had to be at last years bash to understand what happend, the burnout the chain lube the burning of the monkey,was a totally different bash.

He was there
He still walked through coals barefoot he was so Gaar  :D
Hi guys , thanks for a great night it was a lot of fun. Thank you for the invite and great hospitality.
I have been asked about the modifications so i have posted them over in the bike and work shop section I have not posted pics but will (one day if needed).
Xander and Tam
Xander-OZ said:
Hi guys , thanks for a great night it was a lot of fun. Thank you for the invite and great hospitality.
I have been asked about the modifications so i have posted them over in the bike and work shop section I have not posted pics but will (one day if needed).
Xander and Tam

Was awesome to have met you guys!

Wayne said:
Captain Slow said:
Some people here should book their places in the old age home it seems. ::)

We did go there. We handed out photos of you with your cell number. There was a rather sprightly 80 year old who said she can't wait for you to come back  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

Fucking awesome man ;D
I hope you okes have your pensions in order.....

4 Star lodge se moer man.


What next? No wheelies?
Captain Slow said:
I hope you okes have your pensions in order.....

4 Star lodge se moer man.


What next? No wheelies?

Coming from the man who stayed at the Pink Lodge at the last Bash?
That's rich!
You should of just stopped after the "I would like to apologise"
Just suck up the crits mate & keep quiet on this one. Yes the Bashes can be very different & it depends on location...this in terms of burnouts. Limiting late at night just plain sucks...ask AntonW & Mark Hardy! lol

RALLY RALLY RALLY    :imaposer:    :pot:

You know we did it just for you PP    >:D    >:D

Please stop spoiling this thread with moaning about a bike been revved late at night and lets have the good stuff about the bash. Thanks
Go Big said:
Ha ha ha Now all the keyboard ninjas are arriving. Why not write I slap you!

Now there are allot of clever people arround. Why didnt any of you go over there when the reving took place and sort the "oke" out.

Hey, don't touch me on my studio  :deal:

Because GoBig, walking over there and moering the oke falls into exactly the same category as limiting the bike. We are not gangsters and hooligans. I like to think of myself and other dogs as well adjusted adults enjoying a common interest of dual sport cross country biking and a sense of adventure. To me there is a certain brotherhood in the dogs and a mutual respect. I had 110km's to travel to get home - no problem. There were a whole bunch of dogs that had 500km or 800km+ still to travel which is a long way with a good nights sleep. The brotherhood and respect would see that these guys and gals' descision to ride this far to see friends would be respected by at least letting them have enough rest to ride home safely. Yes, there were no major accidents post the bash but it could have been different.

No names but there was a dog who was stepping out of line on Sat evening. Another dog told him he was making a fool of himself, they had a brief discussion and the result is that the matter was sorted out amicably, no one made a fool of themselves and no ones inebreation was inflicted on another. That is what the dogs are - we look out for each other - whether it is helping a guy repair his tyre or telling a mate to cool it.

The dogs are the guys that you see every now and then at a bash or a outride and you can simply fall in with a beer and have a lekka chat like old mates and then go on again. They are not gangsters spoiling for a fight, looking for k@k and being purposefully inconsiderate.

I think something positive can come from this. Perhaps each bash or event has a different flavour. Perhaps the rules of engagement should be made clear beforehand? I am not in favour of a list of do's and dont's for a bash - dammit had enough of that in school / army / whatever. But there should be something like a Wilddog code of ethics that we all can live with perhaps? Not "thou shalt not limit thy bike" but more "Thou shalt respect thy neighbour" style of thing? just spitballing here... 4c worth
I think that the point is this...

The EC bash obviously wasn't the place for good hearted hooliganism. I personally enjoy a bit of spirited chaos. However, one poor dude got it wrong and revved his bike a bit. Maybe he was a bit pissed. Maybe he is just a bit immature (as I am). Or maybe he was just having the wrong sort of fun for that particular bash.

Who really cares. Tell the guy to shut the fuck up and forget about it. Don't freakin' ban the guy, cast him out from the pack, force him to apologise and stay in his bedroom for a week, and spend three pages bitching about what a poes he is.

The dogs are all mates. My mates would remove me from my bike, pour a beer on my head and move on to talking about sex or something. Finished and klaar :dousing:
Guy's let's move on, Stys realises he stuffed up!! His apology left a bit to be desired but it was an apology none the less. Let’s not destroy what should otherwise be a thread of great photo’s and friendly banter.  :3some:

J-dog said:
what a poes he is.

Is that an afrikaans Cat?  :pot:
Beagle Boy said:
Guy's let's move on, Stys realises he stuffed up!! His apology left a bit to be desired but it was an apology none the less. Let’s not destroy what should otherwise be a thread of great photo’s and friendly banter.  :3some:

J-dog said:
what a poes he is.

Is that an afrikaans Cat?  :pot:

:imaposer: It's someone who visits poes.coza. Like a Wild dog. A poes...get it?
Blame his mates, we are suppose to look after each other!!!

Like, help to lift the bike on the bar counter :p
J-dog said:
Beagle Boy said:
Guy's let's move on, Stys realises he stuffed up!! His apology left a bit to be desired but it was an apology none the less. Let’s not destroy what should otherwise be a thread of great photo’s and friendly banter.  :3some:

J-dog said:
what a poes he is.

Is that an afrikaans Cat?  :pot:

:imaposer: It's someone who visits poes.coza. Like a Wild dog. A poes...get it?

That's Deep ..... that's deep!!  :imaposer:
Snafu said:
Blame his mates, we are suppose to look after each other!!!

Like, help to lift the bike on the bar counter :p

Don`t make jokes like that ! Some people don`t like it !  :peepwall: :peepwall: :peepwall:
GlenInk said:
Snafu said:
Blame his mates, we are suppose to look after each other!!!

Like, help to lift the bike on the bar counter :p

Don`t make jokes like that ! Some people don`t like it !  :peepwall: :peepwall: :peepwall:

Glenn, you're definitely a burnout, rev through the tents sort of guy, judging from your enjoyment of the KTM Rallye Raid  >:D