The Karoo on a wif and a prayer - With added PICS

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Race Dog
Jan 27, 2006
Reaction score
Cape Toon - TransAlp XL650V 2004
Honda NC750X
All went well along the N1 this morning - made good time and reached the Ceres turnoff, just before Touwsriver, on schedule.

I had filled up just before leaving and still promised the attendant that I would top up in Worcester. I arrived in Worcester after taking the Tunnel wormhole and just kept on going. My briefcase corner had moved in sympathy to the turn of the engine (some sort of harmonics) and now began digging me in the small of my back so just before the gravel I opted to repack my luggage - Ah! much better.



The gravel road to Matjiesfontein is a real treat - you can ride along at any speed without a care in the world, except in my case it looked as though it may just rain! Then all of a sardine there is this sign that warns of flood damage and sure enough, there is a nifty set of water features - nothing that Trailrider would RAVE about but worth mentioning. After that I noticed that the needle of my fuel gauge was in the RED and I began nipping. The road just kept on and on and I dropped my speed to about 70km/h.





Eventually I turned right onto the tarred Sutherland road, over the N1 to Matjiesfontein. As expected the signs were still on the pumps - "Sorry no petrol" and again the lady confirmed to me that they still had none. Nearest is Laingsburg - 27km - so on a wif and a prayer in the midday heat at 60km/h I made it to Laingsburg with about a liter and a half to spare.

I stopped at the Steers for a late breakfast. The waitress asked and I indicated that I wanted coffee. She told me that I could have the special - breakast with coffee for R39.90 - Ok.

Soon I was sipping at my coffee and wondering why the breakfast was taking so long. Eventually I went to ask - she had mis-understood!



Eventually my breakfast arrived and by the time I had finished I was well behind schedule so I wet my new cool jacket a bit - not much and hot footed it to Prince Albert where I booked into the Honeymoon suite of the Saxe-Coberg, Ironed a shirt, had a shower and went off to work.

After work I got back on the bike and went for a short 40km ride on the Leeu-Gamka road and back before being treated to a very nice braai by the staff.





Continued at


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Mental note to self, must leave big smoke & relocate down to the "coast".

You got such lovely scenery / roads to explore, nice nice nice!!!