The Loop at Parys and Slainche takes up farming

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Race Dog
Sep 11, 2006
Reaction score
Pretoria East - Home of Jameson
KTM 1090 Adventure R
Destination: The Loop at Parys
Distance: For me - 692km
Date: 03 Feb '08

Ama Ride Ride and Grootseun were keen to ride and I got tasked with the logistics  ;D - Always a challenge and definately a pleasure.
The plan was to do the loop along the Vaal at Parys that Luislang has got us all interested in.

I got to the meeting point at the N12 / Snake road intersection at 06:40 - 10 minutes late and everyone was already there waiting.

Anyhow - we set off and headed out via Heidelberg to the Vaal dam

Out second stop for the day close to Parys
(l - r: Slainche, Ama Ride Ride, Grootseun & Kykdaar)


After breakfast we started the loop - this is what we came for


Ou Grote


Kykdaar (hooligan supreme)


Also at the Wimpy was a large crowd from the CMA. It was quite amusing to see various bikes all grouped together - Soopabikes, KTM, GS and other odds and ends.
A guy walks up and introduces himself as Des and say he recognises me from the Pancake-raid-to-Dullstroom-that-never-went-to-Dullstroom-and-ended-up-at-Loskop-dam.  ;D
We tell him what we up to and next minute he defects  ;D ;D ;D
Shows you - we're a real friendly bunch  8)
(Btw - GS had his KTM shirt on and This caused much uncertainty with Des as we only had one Katoom in the group)

Here's Des - with us on the Loop


This is a really lekker loop - just a pity it is a tad far from P-Town
The route started calmly enough - but this was not to last - Hooligan juice started pumping in the veins


Everyone was have a great time. The road is slightly pebbly in places but this is PUUUUUUUURFECT for traction.
I cannot think of one member in the group who was not having a blast

I decided to test Jabu69's claim - and failed dismally. The best I could get was 175km/h on the clock on a lekker straight piece of dirt (later checked out as 166km/h on the GPS). I don't know if it was the road that ran out or if it was something to do with a strong sense of self presevation coming to the fore  ;D

A bunch of happy campers
Plothond (trigger happy), Ama Ride Ride, Slainche, Des, Kykdaar & Grootseun


Uncle said:
Nice one Plothond. Looks like the weather today was perfect in and around Gauteng.
Nice one Plottie. Ek se mos Die ouens praat k@rk daai KTM's is nie so vinnig nie. ;D ;D
We come to a T junction and turn left onto a bit of tar
Two Soopabikes come blasting past - hehe - about 5km's down the drag the tar runs out - You just see smoke  ;D ;D ;D  as they come to a halt
They turned around - we carried on  ;D

Soon we come to the far end of the loop and cross the Vaal to continue the route back along the opposite bank


The bridge


Problem -  the road is getting more fun !!! :D



By this time the grinning could be seen through the visor and Whoops of laughter heard over spinning wheels  ;D

After blasting up a narrow track I decided to do a quick dismount and catch the rider following me.
I line up for the shot


I wait.....................


....... and wait ...........  >:D


..................................and wait.......................................................... >:D


Eventually FARMER Slainche arrives

Then the others


We inspect the damage


As I was neither party to, nor did I witness the supposed event - I can neither confirm nor deny that it happened  >:D >:D ;D ;D >:D >:D (apparently it was a cattle farm !!!)

- I will leave the other to fill in here - hehe

Back in Parys we have a milkshake and some cokes

Ama RR


After Parys - ARR and GS hotfoot it home along the Highway
The rest of us take a scenic route via Heidelberg - Balfour - Delmas and Witpoort
Des also disappears along the way - suspect he took the turnoff on the N1
- hope you got home safely and hope to ride with you again sometime - it was lekker


We get pelted with rain in Heidelberg, but manage to avoid the worst by travelling wide

Thanks WD's for another great day - YOU ARE - as always - excellent riding companions


Till we ride again ..........

;D ;D ;D
What a ride!! ;D

Although I tried to resist, those sublime dirt roads seemed to affect my throttle hand and overide the voice of reason in my head that was shouting "slow down or you gonna die" >:D

Slainche, what can I say - do not forget to turn when approaching a corner >:D. Maybe you can bill the farmer for ploughing his field, but then again we did cut his fence to extract your bike.

By the way, I managed to snap off another indicator (that is all four now). Wonder if I can claim a prize from Kawasaki? Also found out that Kawasaki secretly fitted the new KLR with ABS. S'true because there was no way that I could brake in time for a bunch of goats that suddenly ran into the road right in front of us without it.

Fantastic bunch of guys and a pleasure to have met you all. Special thanks to Plottie for laying out such a lekker route.
Met early with Grootseun and fueled up. Did not visit the pumps again. Lekker to have a BIG tank.

Not sure where to wait at the Snake road intersection

After a short while Kykdaar joined us. Nice meeting you.

Then Slainche arrived and we moved to other spot waiting for Plottie. Check the KoelteKonte on the bridge. Doing trapping in a 60km/h zone a few meters before the speed becomes 80km/h. No wonder people hate them.

Stopping next to the Vaal Dam. Discussing the abandoned moer of a big caravan park.

Regrouping somewhere

Grootseun playing chicken with a puddleâ?¦and lostâ?¦

Ready to rumble after a FAST breakfast at Parys. Des joined us here. The service at this Wimpy really is fast.

Other regroup

Kykdaar locking his rear wheel.


You never see the man without a smile. Even while taking a leak  ;D

Some piccies of the ride








Slainch bought a nice sized farm and sommer started to plough. Glad the damage to you and the bake is not that much. Or?


Cooldrinks and Coke floats instead of beerâ?¦..are we going soft? From L to R. PLothond, Grootseun, Kykdaar, Slainche and Des.

After this me and grootseun hightailed it home. Arrived just as big fat drops started to cool down the hot earth.

Thanks to everybody for the lekker ride.

My nama is Ama Ride Ride and I love the Vredefort Dome

Interesting information regarding the Vredefort Dome

Damn, it looks like you guys had a jol. Myself and the family went to Lovers Rock for the weekend for Sune's birthday, and on top of that my clutchcable snapped, so I couldn't take my bike with.


Man, what an awesome ride. We put ourDual sport bikes through their paces. A nice mix of tar and dirt.

The loop in and around the vredefort dome, is really awesome.

Slainche did not have an off, as there was no seperation. He came to a standstill with his hands still on the handlebar.  ;D ;D

Plothond, always keen to ride, and never disappoints with an awesome route.
Thank you for being our fearless leader.

Ama Ride Ride - Nice to do a porper ride with you, cant wait for the next one.

Kykdaar, Nice meeting you, for a newbie on that KLR, you can sure ride.

I rode sweeper. other than the one T-junction that i arrived, to find no-one waiting for me to show left or right... ;D It was a really awesome ride. Kykdaar returned to find me waiting at the t-junction, already had my little gas stove out making coffee... ;D ;D ;D ;D

Tip: When you get left by the person in front of you, ie. you dont know left or right. Wait there, do not go riding in any direction, cuz if you choose the wrong direction, it will take longer for the other riders to find you.

Thanx for an awesome day riding, and great company.
Nice report guys that loop is awesome, same one we rode last Sunday, I know the exact spot Slainche bought the farm, now Plottie the rumours are abounding can you confirm or deny thye folowing.

Q. ...... Did Slainche have relations with the the said Cow/cows on this farm is the question???? or did he just stop to have a Cigar??? ;D ;D ;D
Beemer man said:
Nice report guys that loop is awesome, same one we rode last Sunday, I know the exact spot Slainche bought the farm, now Plottie the rumours are abounding can you confirm or deny thye folowing.

Q. ...... Did Slainche have relations with the the said Cow/cows on this farm is the question???? or did he just stop to have a Cigar??? ;D ;D ;D

Well !!! ..........
As mentioned - I did not witness the event. However, he was very quiet after the said occurence and I did think that I may have noticed a slight smugness thereafter ;D
Cigars normally follow such an event after a certain predefined time delay ;D ;D
Excellent report, looks like it was a jol and a half.

Im feeling a bit "bang" at the moment  O0 166km/h on that dirk road eeish..... I was doing 70km/h with the pinion on a similar looking road on Sunday. I though i was being reckless.

What was the average speed traveled on those roads ?
Nice one guys !! Would be interesting to do that route just after a heavy downpour ?
Great report! It was my first time in that area a week earlier.  I have to explore a bit more in that area.