The Other Side of the Mirror

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Nov 11, 2009
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AJS (all models)
Good day all wonderfully you nice people,

Since I have recently bought a poegie (not sure about the spelling), and since there are some expected strain on our financial matters we all have to cut where we can, I have decided to join this forum too. I say strain because I know you might all think Joost has sold  lot of his books – mostly by himself in Pretorian Malls, I don’t think he is telling me the whole truth about the income.
Secondly I also think its only fair if I can put my kant of the mirror too,for only Joost has had the opportunity to explain what really has happened. Shame, he has really cried a lot lately and I don’t know for how much longer he will have tears. But it is obvious that most of yous dogs are against what he has done to me and because I dearly love him, more than that stripper I know for a fact, I want you to start believing him. He is sorry. (but I think its more a sorry for being caught out than for sniffing lines with that loose piece of rubbish who’s best friend is a pole.)
But in any case - I also have some confession to do. I have smoked a mot with mr Mike Bolhuis and you know how it goes, one thing lead to another. But I can say that the hair on his head stand more straight and longer than what I can say about the rest. But wait, I cant say more at this stage. You’ll have to read it all in my new biography, Lines, Poles and Everything Else, written by Nolene (form the SABC) and translated into Afrikaans by Jurie Els. There is some hold-up with the translation as Jurie is more out than in lately.

But I do hope to see you in the Malls soon – I will start of with Sunnypark as I don’t want to fall in Joost’s footsteps.

Happy trails!

Love, Amore.