We’ve probably all heard of a Bug Out Bag, but let’s assume you need to get back home.
Assuming that you are a minimum of 24hrs away from home, all transportation has come to a halt, no electricity, and for good measure no water available on your route. The country is for all intents and purposes in a high level lockdown.
You’re alone, stranded and need to get home where you have everything you need to survive indefinitely.
From the gear available at TheQuarterMaster, what would you put in your Get Home Bag?
The bag needs to be person portable. But nothing else is prohibited.
www.thequartermaster.co.za we are still very much ONLINE, continue to deliver Nation-Wide and Internationally, Door2Door OR you can pop in and Click’nCollect
Please contact us at [email protected] if you need assistance or have a query.