to stand or not to stand - that is the question?

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whats up with standing?

yes i understand it gives more movement of the bike, more control, blah blah blah

when the road is rough and/or your going fast?

but look at the long way round and long way down - as soon as they see a dirt road they stand?

have a look at the latest top bike magazine - the 1200 vs 990 article + the cederberg trip (on the same bikes)

i counted 13 (give or take) pics standing on fairly simple plain old dirt highways - and 1 sitting pic - on tar.

surely if its just a dirt road there is no need to stand?

is it personal choice?
is it for image?

cant believe it gives you more control traveling at 40km/h down a karoo highway?

or am i just lazy for not wanting to stand all the time when on dirt?

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