To the Breede and back

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Feb 7, 2006
Reaction score
Honda XL650V Transalp
This is a mainly scenic report of the trip that Trailrider, Saddam and myself took to the Breede bash. My memory of all the road names and places is not all that accurate, so if you find any mistakes, just consider them artistic licence!
On Saturady morning, I arrived at Trailriders' house just before 8 - he was packed, fuelled up and ready to go. We worked our way along farm roads towards Great Brak where we were to meet Saddam.


The beautiful Swartberg mountains.


Saddam and his newly acquired (used) 650 Dak.

From there we rode towards Eight Bells, hit the tar at Diesel and Dust and then along the Road that leads to Attakwaskloof. We turned left somewhere nad headed in the general direction of Riversdale, where we filled up.


Some Eland along the way.


TR and Saddam.

Outside Riversdale we passed the Korinte-Vetrivier dam - absolutely awesome spot - would be great to camp on that headland!

The dam.




Along the way.

Carried riding west and eventually came out onto the N2 at the Buffeljags dam. Then a short stretch of tar to Swellendam. Along this particular piece of road, I witnessed a miracle - Trailrider OVERTOOK a bakkie doing 100kph - man, it was awesome! ;)

By now it was about 1:30 and I persuaded TR and Saddam to stop for a bite and a drink (not in that order though!).

A pleasant spot to relax.



The river at the restaurant.

After lunch, we headed towards Bonnievale, McGregor and Robertson - we took a few "detours" and found ouselves behind schedule. The friendly police in Mc Gregor guided us onto the "right" road. After a call or two to Ektoknbike, we arrived somewhat belatedly at Piksteel's farm, to find a pretty relaxed buch of dogs aboard the booze cruiser. Sorry guys and girls for holding you up :-[


Took this shot in McGregor - wondered why the bride was walking to the church.


An interesting (and the only) koppie along the Breede cruise.


Vineyards almost all the way down to the river.


Trailriders modest dinner! Sorry EV ;)

Will continue this later.
The next morning, we were heading for Warmwaterberg where we going to sleep over. We were joined by Rooipoot for this leg of our journey. Man, that old man can ride! ;)

Saddam, Rooipoot and some other guy who was riding with us!


Somewhere between Montague and Oubergpas, I think.


Breakfast in Robertson, where Toktokkie and Mrs happened to join us. They serve a good breakfast if you're in the area.



Oubergpas - this is what the DRZ excells at - loosish, wet rocky passes - I had a grin ear to ear inside my helmet ;D ;D ;D


Finally after a rainy trip we arrived at Warmwaterberg hot springs.

Then the unmistakeable beat of a BM - Eisbein had heard some noisy thumpers arriving and was surpised to see who it was! After a bit of a chat, we joined him, Vicky and their 2 friends in the springs. Aaaaahhhhh - just the thing after a long ride on a bike whose seat is like sitting on a sucker stick! Stop moaning, KTM'ers ;) Then it was back for a braai where TR reduced the bovine population a bit more, accompanied by Uncle Wellington, Mr Bells general k*kpraat. TR decided to go for a dip late at night - but you'll have to ask him about that. Hmmm, I'm sure I saw some pretty young things also heading that way ;)
We packed up the next morning in sunshine, but about 10 kays out, we hit rain. Stooped at Ronnies for the obligatory pic and headed for Barrydale.


Got to Barrydale and stopped at the Country Pumkin for breakfast. Welcomed with a shot of warm Muscadel, followed by steaming coffee and the best breakfast I think I've ever had!
Purchased a really good map of the surrounding area that would see us to Gysmanshoek pass and further.



Cloetes pass.


Heading towards Gysmans - TR and Rooipoot.


Gysmanshoek pass.


..and it just keeps going...




and there in the distance, our fearless leader, TR!

Eventually, we worked our way back to George, where TR peeled off home and I continued to Sedgefield, arriving at 5:15pm
Over 900km of riding over the 3 days and about 90% of that on dirt!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Thanks TR for organising the trip, and Saddam and Rooipoot for you company.

Hi LGF great report sorry we missed you had to get back. Like your new wheels it sure sounds as if your are happy with it ?  :)
Great report! Even better pics (as usual) :thumleft:

Hopefully I'll have my pics tonight and post my report somewhere over the weekend.
Trailrider said:
Great report! Even better pics (as usual) :thumleft:

Hopefully I'll have my pics tonight and post my report somewhere over the weekend.

En wanneer beplan jy om tyd te hê die naweek ?

Good report and pics!

Dis nou hoe 'n T-Been moet lyk. No place for bok kos on the plate! :razz: :mrgreen:
Really nice pics and especially so that u have taken time out to stop and  "smell the roses" ;D ;D ;D
Just COOL isn't it. That we as WD's can live hundreds of kilometers away from one another and still be able to share things we enjoy and area's of this lovely country of ours Awsome, Awsome.
blazes said:
Just COOL isn't it. That we as WD's can live hundreds of kilometers away from one another and still be able to share things we enjoy and area's of this lovely country of ours Awsome, Awsome.

+1000 ;D ;D ;D
Looks like a really great trip, LGF!!

How did you find the DRZ on a longer trip??  I'm hoping to do an overnighter with mine soon.