Underground Platinum Ride, Brits Rustenburg

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Feb 13, 2008
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Kymco (all models)
Guys, I used to be a Mining Engineer way back in my past, but I still have quite a few friends and old classmates in the industry.

An idea came to mind while riding the railway road near Marikana, so I made a few calls.

All the mines in the area are interlinked – it provides safety and an alternative way out in the event of shaft or adit failure.

So how about an underground ride? So here is the plan I have discussed with the relevant mine managers.

We go down the 4 Incline shaft at Western Platinum on the West side of Brits, take their 5-level haulage West to the east side of Rustenburg Platinum mine, from there we take the No3 Sub-Vertical (big enough for 4 bikes at a time) to 6-Level and their East haulage under Marikana to the RusPlats no 6 Incline that brings us out just East of Rustenburg.

Something like this:- 


I have checked the Mines and Works act and a crash helmet is legally acceptable as a hard-hat, but we would need to find a way to mount cap-lamps on our helmuts.

Anyone keen ?  Some time towards the end of this month?