Urban Enduro...?

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Grey Hound
May 24, 2006
Reaction score
Koninkrijk der Nederlanden
What with all the urban enduro threads popping up - maybe it's time to plan one in Pretoria...

There are a couple of paths and/or fields that I know and have played around in recently - mostly used as shortcuts, but also just to improve the skillz slightly.

Most of them are along and within spitting distance of Rigel, and it tends to be quite rocky, steep inclines and declines, stream crossings, step-ups and the like, and smooths out in other places.  Would anyone in the area be interested in doing something like this?  Off the top of my head I can keep myself busy for at least two hours (well, that's about the longest I've lasted before giving up due to exhaustion), and with a couple more bikes, I'm sure that can be stretched a fair amount.

And I must stress, it would NOT be n00b-friendly, and the big bikes need not really apply unless you are VERY comfortable in VERY technical terrain - knobblies would be greatly advantageous (if not crucial).  In actual fact the terrain would actually be more suited to a trials bike than anything else.

And then obviously, beers afterwards (for your own account, duh!) to replace lost fluids (sweat, blood).

So, who's keen?


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