West Coast & Namaqua Trail 21 Mar - 1 April

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Pack Dog
Jul 22, 2009
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GS ride the West Coast and Namaqua 4x4 trail
The plan is to leave Pretoria early on 21 March, sleep over halfway and arrive at Elandsbaai at sunset of 22 March
Applicable dates:
- 23-24 March : West Coast
- 25-29 March : Namaqua Trail
- 30-31 March : Tar road home
- 1 April : Buffer in case we need an extra day somewhere
West Coast
23-24 March  Elandsbaai to Port Nolloth - 515km
We travel the West Coast country roads where possible. Information on road conditions and accessibility (for bikes) is now being investigated and will be reported later
It is important to note that conditions will be extreme at places and participants will have to up their skill for this one. Off-road, sand, camping in the open, and all the best life can throw at us.

Riders attending the Bikefest at Goudini Spa(Rawsonville) will have to leave early on the Sunday morning of 24 March to meet up with the rest of the group waiting at Port Nolloth. This is where the Namaqua ride start.

Namaqua Trail
25-29 March
Day 1. (25 Mar) Port Nolloth to Kuboes.  - 145km
An opportunity to take your picture for the four corners at Alexander bay. A nice easy ride on tar up to Brandkaros where the tar ends and we get ourselves warmed up on gravel roads.

Day 2. (26 Mar) Kuboes to Vioolsdrif.  – 129km
Who knows what the road will be like?

Day 3. (27 Mar) Vioolsdrif to Hell.  – 57km
This is where the fun really starts when we take on the notorious road to the Hell. Just a few kilometres that will keep us busy many hours!! We will camp on the banks of the Orange with hopefully nobody else around.

Day 4. (28 Mar) Hell to camp.  – 61km
If you thought the road down was heavy, the real challenge is to get up that pass again. No sissy bypass here! You have to get through. But then, we are a team and buddies assist where required. A few steps over loose rocks with a cliff to the right!
And we will have to assist the backup 4x4 to get up there too.
We hope to set up camp somewhere at the river again, depending how smooth our rock climbing went.
What more can we ask for?

Day 5. (29 Mar) Camp to Pella.  -  128km
After the Hell section this one should be plain sailing a la Andre.
But you will encounter quite a few surprises on this section and a lot of sports, dust, laughs as will be for every previous day!
This section will be the last off-road before we hit the road homewards with a sleep over at Kathu

Day 6&7. (30-31 Mar) Travel to Pretoria

So what is important to do this trip successfully?
- A GS off course
- Your GS to be equipped with ample protection where required
- At least a set of Mitas tyres that will last the duration of the trip. Not really facilities or space to carry spare tyres for everybody
- We will camp most of the time and you have to be comfortable to piepie in the veld, and whatever.
- Skill in sand, rocky terrain and bush. You have to AT LEAST (not that I am good, but I know what to expect) be as good as I am in the sand and everyone will be tested at Rhino Park well before the trip. If you are not good to traverse that sandpit you will have to go back many Sundays to practice. Do not even think to take this trail on if you are not up for it.
- Light camping gear
- Well equipped backup vehicle. We will use the Isuzu again and another 4x4 to tagalong will be welcome. Depending on the size of the group of bikers another backup might be necessary. The Isuzu can cater for 8 bikes. It will carry all luggage, fuel, camping gear, food, shower, potable water, etc. See the Namibia North thread for example.  https://www.bmwclubs.co.za/forum/21-club-trip-reports/18142-namibia-north-daily-trip-and-progress-report
- You need to be able to look after yourself in the company of a group.
- Good sense of humour as we are certainly going to laugh at each other.
- More than the normal backup fee towards the vehicle as it will be at your service all the time rather than tag along until someone spill
- We take turns to prepare the evening meal, so… Start working on those menus.
- Should your bike need to be loaded on the trailer you will have to hitch a ride on another bike. No space in the backup.

Biker minimum requirements as per the Namibia trip:
Biker se persoonlike noodsaaklikhede:
In die backuplorrie:
- Twee wolf bokse per fiets soos op die foto. Geen uitsondering nie. Hierdie bokse pak modulêr en neem min plek in beslag. Dien ook as stoel.
- Slaapsak en opblaasmatras met pomp. Kussing (verkieslik opblaastipe) Daar sal nie plek wees vir jou twee kontinentale kussings nie

- Borde en eetgerei, verkieslik plastiek of melamien (in jou wolfboks)

- Vir die 12V laaiapparate: daar is nooit genoeg sokke nie maar wel genoeg batterykapasiteit. As jy 'n dubbel sigaretaanstekersok saambring laai jy jou ding en is daar weer 'n spaar vir iemand anders se laaiding. Met elkeen se dubbelprop gaan ons regkom.
- Tekkies/sandale en swemklere. Reënpak, hoed.
- Sonbrandmiddel en muskietweermiddel.
- Koeldrank, ens maksimum 24 blikkies per keer per persoon. Ons gaan daagliks voorraad aanvul. Jou hardehout in jou wolfboks, anders gaan ek myself daaraan help!
- Flits of koplamp
Spaar visor/goggles
Letter from insurance company confirming insurance.
Photocopy of vehicle registration papers.
Pulas & Rand (how much of each?.
Emergency information of each individual.
Spaar m/fiets sleutel en bril, (sienbril) vir die van ons wat nie meer sonder een kan bestuur nie.
Kamera en of video.
Sonhoed vir wanneer daar nie gery word nie.
- Tweemantent

More info later.

Let me know if you are interested to partake and start improving your skill level!!


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