What oil?

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Pack Dog
Jul 10, 2007
Reaction score
Honda XL1000V Varadero
I have just gone through an interesting experience. I have ridden varouis bikes over the years and never really gave oil grades a 2nd thought. When I got the Varadero by pure coincidence had a conversation with some guys who race cars. They told me many stories of oils and additives, I decided to get my baby the best I could afford Castrol Edge 5W 40 @ roughly R360 for 5L. So the other day was gunning in top gear and felt the need to roll the throttle to max, and guess what lots of revs with no acceleration. Man clutch was slipping could not believe it not even one burn out or excessive wheelie's. Started shopping and found new kevlar plates at Craig's ask for Gus what a pleasure he actually phone's you back and usually make's a plan. First question he asked me "what oil boet?" Then to get a gasket , we all know the stories about Honda and bike spares, well Honda Tygerberg has a spare's salesman called Craig(must be something with this Craig name), do not know how but found me one in 1 day and got it to me in 2. So after plates gasket and some swearing, did all the work myself and a R1100 lighter, I have now gone back to the normal non synthetic 20W 50
oil still sticking with Castrol as they say the Honda's like it. So a very expensive excersise for me, and all this because of oil. So check before you top up.