Whole Hog DS Ride Durban

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Race Dog
Feb 4, 2006
Reaction score
Bloemfontein, SA
There is a pub in our neighborhood, called the Whole Hog.  It is situated above the local Harley dealer, but you do not have to ride a Harley to be welcome - in fact even dirt riders use this watering hole.  The owner, Morgan is also a DS rider and he arranges a ride from time to time where you pay a bit of money.  The "package" includes some drinks and lunch upon return, and a road book of the pre-set routes.

The turnout this moning was quite good, quite a few clean bikes arriving. 

The count was about 20 odd when the briefing started.  Saw some KTM's, BMW's, KLR's, DRZ  and a Buel.  The group was split in 2, first off was those who were looking for some technical bits, follwed a few minutes later by the pillions, and gravel road riders.  Had some coffee and bacon & egg rolls and chatted with old friends before we got going.


Morgan on the table expaining how lost he is.

We dropped into the valley towards Inanda dam, and found a road block.  Some just showed their licences, others promised to go home and fetch quickly, ya right.....  >:D
Soon the road changed to track and some great riding was had.  The tracks were quite rutted from the recent rains and some paying attention was done.
The scenery is incredible, it was really good to be out there and absorb all of this.  And the track varied between easy and stuck-in-the-rut and "resting the bike a little".  But good fun and clean sweat.  The organisers got some dirt riders to sweep the route, and helped with a puncture and stuff here and there.  Worked well.



Track inspection


Going over there....


Roger arriving


Break time


Some water


Some sand


Some fighting with a rut can be seen in the distance


Some more inspection


Sjebeen, you can feed the body, soul and bike from in there....


Feeding the bike


Some fast dirt sections....

Some guys got caught by the smooth slippery roads, there are small pebbles on the surface and you can easily get out of shape in the corners.



Some roadside repairs.  Rider OK - good.  There were 2 other crashes on these faster sections, one suspected collarbone (hope you are OK Johann!), other one got smacked when the winscreen and helmet connected.


See bikes coming down the hill on the other side.


Another medical station

Back at the HOG, a drink was very welcome and some good curry was served to all the hungry riders.



A few beers later everyone (except the die-hards) headed home.  Ride was about 200 km of probably some of the best DS riding around.  Thanks to Morgan and Nick and all the guys who made this happen.  Looking forward to the next one!

You guys sure have some amazing scenery in that area.
Hi Stefan

Looks like you guys had an awesome ride. Sorry I could not make it, I had something else on.

Just what the Doctor ordered  ;D

Would have liked to have joined but to ride the 650km to the meeting point would have been pushing it  >:D
Very nice SGB  :thumright:

Looks a lot tuffer than the one I did , by the way how did the buell do ?
Howzit Clown,

Correct, the route was made more technical for those who prefer - basically some of the sections normally done on plastic bikes combined with the normal gravel roads.  Some steep rutted downhills being probably the most challenging, but "do-able".  The Buel went with the other group who did the gravel road option, so I never saw much of him.  But he had a smile on his face when we joined again at the end of the ride. :)
I am around for most of Dec / Jan.  Just let me know, happy go and show you around.....
Hi Stefan

I have ridden in the Valley many times, but I am sure there are plenty of fantastic parts I have never been to.

How about checking to see if any of the upcountry Wild Dogs are keen to come down to Kzn and go for a ride through the Valley?

I am very keen.
Hello Jon, Yip I am also ready.  No need for too much organizing, we can just go.  Like I said, I am generally around and it is easy to talk me into a ride - I just have a few work commitments, but not too difficult to work around these.

I have also been in the valley a couple of times (it all started with Gerry), one can really ride full time there for a week.... - see track logs.  Altitude profile is the real reason for the ride.  See below map. (Sunday's ride)

Who's keen?   8)



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