www.tacqm.co.za Sand Bags
A reminder about the Sandbags we stock as we go into our rainy season, well in Gauteng anyway…
Great to prevent flooding or water damage, especially when you will be away.
We have had to use them on occasion at our offices due to the storm water system not coping with a deluge. Now we have them ready to place in front of doors.
Many other uses when you go camping.
Cover muddy boots when getting into a sleeping bag.
Carry firewood
Weight down Tent Ropes on soft, hard or muddy ground
Store up that last bit of building or plaster sand after a DIY project.
Transportation of Meat after a hunt.
Prevent flooding of houses and buildings.
Retain Embankments.
Tamping of explosive charges when blasting.
Fill sand bag for ballast.
Use to Zero your rifle off.
These are brand new sandbags and are clean: Perform well even when exposed to Ultraviolet light outdoors
Water Proof: Will not Rot.
Includes Tie off to seal the bag. A bag that cannot be properly sealed is useless.
One bag easily defeats 9mm or 5.56mm
Sand bag once filled is easily movable. Bigger bags are too cumbersome to move around. (Portability once filled is important)
For more info, prices & specs, please see:
www.tacticalquartermaster.co.za we are ONLINE, deliver Nation-Wide, Door2Door OR you are welcome to Click’nCollect.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]
A reminder about the Sandbags we stock as we go into our rainy season, well in Gauteng anyway…
Great to prevent flooding or water damage, especially when you will be away.
We have had to use them on occasion at our offices due to the storm water system not coping with a deluge. Now we have them ready to place in front of doors.
Many other uses when you go camping.
Cover muddy boots when getting into a sleeping bag.
Carry firewood
Weight down Tent Ropes on soft, hard or muddy ground
Store up that last bit of building or plaster sand after a DIY project.
Transportation of Meat after a hunt.
Prevent flooding of houses and buildings.
Retain Embankments.
Tamping of explosive charges when blasting.
Fill sand bag for ballast.
Use to Zero your rifle off.
These are brand new sandbags and are clean: Perform well even when exposed to Ultraviolet light outdoors
Water Proof: Will not Rot.
Includes Tie off to seal the bag. A bag that cannot be properly sealed is useless.
One bag easily defeats 9mm or 5.56mm
Sand bag once filled is easily movable. Bigger bags are too cumbersome to move around. (Portability once filled is important)
For more info, prices & specs, please see:
www.tacticalquartermaster.co.za we are ONLINE, deliver Nation-Wide, Door2Door OR you are welcome to Click’nCollect.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]