www.tacticalquartermaster.co.za SWAT Multi Agent Decontaminant
A highly effective decontaminant for CS, CN Or OC “pepper spray”
Suggested Method of Use:
Move to a ventilated area.
Victim must keep eyes closed at all times. Spray liberally from 20-30 cm
Give victim paper towel to wipe face. From centre line of face to outside of face.
Wipe Again
Reapply but this time victim must have head back, spray so that the MATD pools around the eye sockets. Tell victim to open eyes and blink rapidly to rinse eyes.
This should eliminate most of the symptoms felt, on the skin & face, if not keep applying and wiping.
Once symptoms have disappeared wash/rinse with soap and water.
Make sure all paper towel-tissues are bagged and disposed of.
SWAT Multi Agent Decontaminant
www.tacticalquartermaster.co.za we are ONLINE, deliver Nation-Wide, Door2Door OR you are welcome to Click’nCollect.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]
A highly effective decontaminant for CS, CN Or OC “pepper spray”
Suggested Method of Use:
Move to a ventilated area.
Victim must keep eyes closed at all times. Spray liberally from 20-30 cm
Give victim paper towel to wipe face. From centre line of face to outside of face.
Wipe Again
Reapply but this time victim must have head back, spray so that the MATD pools around the eye sockets. Tell victim to open eyes and blink rapidly to rinse eyes.
This should eliminate most of the symptoms felt, on the skin & face, if not keep applying and wiping.
Once symptoms have disappeared wash/rinse with soap and water.
Make sure all paper towel-tissues are bagged and disposed of.
SWAT Multi Agent Decontaminant
www.tacticalquartermaster.co.za we are ONLINE, deliver Nation-Wide, Door2Door OR you are welcome to Click’nCollect.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] or [email protected]