Zumo bike mount.............

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Race Dog
Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
Central Karoo
Honda XRV 750 Africa Twin
I have not been impressed with my Zumo since I got it. Not that I still have the original one as it was replaced under warranty. I am on my second bike mount due to the corrosion problem in the pins when it gets slightly wet.

So I went away with my new bike mount and just like the one before it,  a piece of crap.
When listening to music the quality rapidly deteriorates as speed and vibration increases to the point that unless you rest your hand on the Zumo you can only hear a distorted noise. I stopped numerous times and moved the mount around on the bars and tried various angles all to no avail. My riding partner has the identical problem on his GS800 setup.
Everytime I use my Zumo it spoils my ride. I have earphones plugged into the mount for sound.

Anyone have any experience solving this? Its a brand new mount. I had exactly the same problem on the previous mount but thought it was the corrosion problem.  ??? ??? :-\