Citrusdal to Oasis, Wuppertal & back for a Pig-Out!

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Grey Hound
WD Vendor
Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
BMW R1200GS Adventure
FIRSTLY - yep it's a well known route... so maybe boring for some..... but it was our mate Llewellyn's first trip to Wuppertal - so the RR is written to commemorate the ride as mates..... I must also give credit to some pics that have been borrowed from WD's that have posted them.... and hope that they don't mind - but I'd love to post this on the UK forum as well - just to make the Brits drool over our lekker riding area's!

So as “MissM” decided to start a thread on the Wilddog Forum..... enticing us poor mortals of an imminent “Pig-on-Spit” to be held at the Cederberg Oasis on the weekend of the 18th May ...... the drooling and planning began to not only partake of this feast, but also to use the time and the event to do some more additional exploring.
The biggest problem (or so I thought) for me was the fact that my GSA was standing over 20,000km away in the UK and this event was down here in sunny SA......... what a bummer!

Not a problem though – I still had the old 1982’s Yamaha XT550 sitting in the garage. This old Thumper might be over 30yrs old – but she’s still willing and game for anything. Not the most comfy for long distance riding – but should be a breeze to ride on the roads we plan to ride!

Trying to convince the wives that we needed a weekend away was met with stiff opposition and the only way that we were able to take part in the Pig-Out was if we arranged an alternative for the girls.

A suggestion was made that would accommodate both the wives and the kids – to get hold of a trailer and drive the boring N7 Highway up to “The Baths” in Citrusdal. The girls would then spend the weekend lazing around the Hot Springs and have a pamper session – while we then disappeared into the mountains!

We decided to load the bikes onto a trailer that Wayne (Haley’s Comet) had so generously offered us – THANKS A MILLION MATE! What a palaver though..... to fit the enormous GSA and the XT on the trailer and then ensure that the thing is balanced enough without overloading the tow-hook!

The ladies also through us a huge Curve-Ball............ yes we were all going to go away for the weekend.... but our hope of getting an early start was shattered when we were told that the eldest daughter had a dance-rehearsal and we’d only be able to leave Cape Town for the 200km trip at 4:30 in the afternoon...... Friday rush-hour traffic is a nightmare at best – with a loaded car towing a trailer it’s even worse.... So we patiently agreed to sit in the car outside the Civic Centre waiting....... well you just know that somewhere old “Murphy’s” waiting to kick you in the behind.... and it was not long before we got the text message to say that the dancing had been delayed for an hour!

To get upset or not – that’s the question........... and playing old Eric Idle’s “Always look on the bright side of life” just said it all and calmed the mood............ soon though – 5:30 arrived and the dance was over.... we were on our way!

Slow and uneventful trip saw us arriving at The Baths at a fraction after 8pm – shattered and satisfied – we hopped into the massive pool filled with 44deg Hot Spring water......... heavenly! A few minutes later we swapped to the cold pool – about 12deg – to ensure the old “Dicky Ticker” gets a wakening jolt .... back into the hot pool and then off to bed for a well deserved sleep.

Day 1 – Saturday - Citrusdal to the Cederberg, Eselbank & Wuppertal
Woke around 6am when still dark and sneaked out of the chalet – everyone was still fast asleep...... so for the next 1 ½ hours I kept myself busy with a walk and exploring the surrounding areas. Finally the rest came alive – coffee and muffin was all that we had time for – so the bikes were offloaded from the trailer – packed and off we went.....
Iwan indicated that he’s be meeting a mate of his at the Oasis at around 11am........... so we had a deadline – not really ideal, but we’d make the best of it.

The day was stunning with promise of getting better and hotter (not bad for Autumn).........  stopped in Citrusdal to fill up with fuel and a few cokes & water and then hit the road out of town – running parallel to the N7 is a really nice dirt road that follows the Olifant’s Rivier. Stunning scenery and devoid of traffic...... we soon got into the rhythm and slowly the stress from the past week seeped out of our bodies!

Don’t the smiles just say it all?

About 30mins into the ride I nearly took out what I thought was a black rat running across my path – doing around 60kmph I was more intent on the road ahead, which had now shown some nice bends with loose sand and gravel. The noise the “rat” made did not register the right way and I slammed on the rear brake for a spectacular stop. Behind me this utterly pathetic and small black puppy was crying it’s heart out from fright – the XT’s engine scaring the hell out of it. I jumped off and just in time managed to flag Iwan down on his GSA – just as the puppy ran for cover in the bushes past his front wheel. Bikes switched off – I called and whistled and the little chap came bounding out of the bush with his little tail wagging. I was ever so grateful that we did not hit him..... but now we had a dilemma......what to do with what appeared to be a small puppy not more than about 6 or 7 weeks old. Where did he come from – how did he survive......?

There was nothing or nobody around at all.......... then a truck arrived with what we assumed were prisoners in the back......... we promptly stopped them and offered the small animal to them, which they gratefully accepted and placed in the cab of the truck. At least it was safe – or so we hope – unfortunately there was no way that we could have ridden with this chap in our jackets – a fall would have probably crushed or maimed him......... so with heavy hearts we watched the truck drive off in the distance. The puppy was to become a constant discussion throughout the weekend....!

Our next stop was on the concrete bridge section over the Olifants – a few pics to be taken and soon some of the local youngsters appeared as they descended on the bikes in awe. When I suggested they hop on for some pics – the smiles could not have been wider! Simple things to bring some pleasure to youngsters....

The road towards Algeria waited and we were on our way again. The road was good and soon we were overlooking the Jamaka

Organic Farm and one of my favourite valley’s below!

Iwan came tearing past as I took some pics and as he disappeared around the corner – I became aware of a helluva noise and an instant dust-cloud. Thinking he’s lost it on the bend... I quickly geared up and sped off........... where thank goodness he was ok – but having to refit his Pannier, which had somehow come loose and was dragged behind his bike by his 12v charger cable.

Soon we were off again.... to our next quick stop at the top of “Uitkyk Pass” ........... for the obligatory pic!

The valley awaits!! Bliss.........

Our arrival at The Oasis was planned for 11am – and as it happened we arrived virtually 2 minutes before Iwan’s mate on his 1150GS. Well planned!

ents were pitched – gear unpacked and the greetings sorted. A quick drink and we were ready to take to the road again – this time for our planned jaunt to Wuppertal via Eselbank.

Llewellyn now joined us for this trip – his first to Wuppertal. There is only one way to explain our mood....... excited...... freedom!!

Start of the trail towards Eselbank........

Meerkatting”...... (Term or Phrase now coined to describe standing GS riders)

Always love the sand sections..... especially when others are busy negotiating them....

Llewellyn doing really well.............

............  an excuse for a water-crossing

This became the norm for me.... the more nimble XT550 was able to negotiate and fly over the pebbles, obstacles and soft sand........ so I used the advantage to race ahead and take some action shots!

This however was soon to be my undoing..... lol

On top of the plateau area was a nice straight section of road, with banked sand on the sides and covered in pebbles (or should I say ... marbles) ......... all went well until my concentration shifted from the road to the stunning view... front wheel hit a drift that was filled with soft powdery sand, which threw me off balance. I managed to correct and recover the bike – now racing along the side of the sand bank.... but before I could get back to the centre of the road... I was “Am-Bushed” by not one – but two large Protea bushes! (I suppose in SA most Hi-Jackers or should I say Bush-Whackers work in pairs)

What followed was nothing short of a miracle.... the first bush took the brunt of the force and I demolished quite a few really sturdy branches.... then left the bike and became airborne and hit the road rolling to absorb the impact.

The XT became lodged in the second bush.....

I had a really good laugh and could not resist a pose with the old girl...

Total damage to the bike – the left mirror was lopped off – found in the bush and merely snapped back on (a bit loose but still working) – my R30.00 Plastic Crate Pannier ripped off at the cable ties....  so I just tied it back on with replacement ties.......... my right-hand crashbar was bent a bit – a few kicks and it was sorted and good as new. Damage to me personally – my pride .... hehe

So......... Protea’s = 0 and Goose = 2 

Yamaha XT550 – ready to roll!!

Did not take long after the off before we heard a growling noise coming towards us from Eselbank. Lo & Behold we saw this little flag flying and the next minute Weskus pulled in with his Pipe-Car..... beer in-hand! What a life.

Without much fanfare we soon had more admirers and a prompt socialising proceeded before we said our goodbye’s and continued the ride!

Sand, sand and more sand.......  we were nearing Eselbank!

Llewellyn doing his sand shimmy.......... I was surprised to see he had a total slick on the front wheel...  and the worst thing was that he’d had problems with his rear brakes that had failed..... so the ride to & from Wuppertal was done without using rear brakes and mainly gears – well done boet – remind me never to pillion with you 

Iwan finishing the sand section...........

Good mates!

Arrived in Eselbank for a bit of a break and some nourishment....

Rather uneventful and picture-taking-less ride to Wuppertal where we met another group on their way to the Oasis – sorry chaps – for the life of me I cannot remember names!

Wuppertal was dry – not only is there no alcohol available... but everything was shut! There was nobody around and we discovered that there was a funeral and the whole town had closed shop and gone to gathering.....

So after downing some warm cokes that we brought along on the trip... we headed back to Eselbank where we’d spotted two ladies had started their own new little “Padstal” enterprise.

PLEASE Guys & Gals – support these people – we always race through and it would be really nice to show them our support! (good way of getting locals on our side)!

(this RR had to be split to fit onto the thread posted!)